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Beijing urges ‘responsible discussions’ ahead of UNSC meeting on JeM

Monitoring Desk

ISLAMABAD: Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang has stressed “responsible and serious discussions” as the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sanctions committee to meet this week and to take up the case of designating Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) chief Masood Azhar a terrorist.

While answering to a question on Monday during his weekly briefing, Lu Kang said, “China has all along participated in relevant discussions in a responsible manner and in strict accordance with the rules of procedure and provisions of the 1267 Committee.

He added that China will continue to communicate and work with relevant parties in a responsible manner so as to properly resolve this matter and adding that only by making a decision through responsible and serious discussions can we resolve the issue in a sustainable manner.

China has on three previous occasions placed a “technical hold” on Azhar’s designation as a terrorist by the UNSC.

The United States, France and Britain have, however, once again moved the UNSC for the JeM chief’s listing following the February 14 Pulwama attack in over 40 Indian paramilitary soldiers were killed. The resolution will be taken up by the 1267 Sanctions Committee on March 13.

Further, during his weekly press briefing, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said, “A series of incidents have transpired between India and Pakistan recently, which as we see is not conducive to the peace and stability in South Asia.”

“Like I said before, China has been mediating between the two sides, engaged in dialogues and working very hard to promote talks, ease tensions and improve their relations. In our exchanges of views on regional situation, the security issue features in our discussion with India and Pakistan. We have had extensive and in-depth talks with both sides,” he added.

The Frontier Post

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