Categories: Global

Brian Nelson’s Calls with NGOs on Additional Clarity on Operations in Afghanistan

F.P. Report

WASHINGTON: Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson spoke with leaders of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Afghanistan today to discuss the issuance of new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) designed to provide clarity and further facilitate humanitarian aid and commercial activity in Afghanistan. He shared that the FAQs, several of which were developed in consultation with NGOs, addressed questions surrounding food and agricultural shipments, support to public hospitals, salary support for teachers and healthcare workers, support for municipal water systems, bank transactions, and cash shipments.

These additional FAQs provide clarity to help NGOs to continue to deliver important services and for financial institutions to process those transactions. While the United States is working to facilitate financial flows that benefit the Afghan people, including through guidance like the FAQs released today, Under Secretary Nelson reiterated that Afghanistan will continue to face severe economic and humanitarian challenges regardless of the amount of aid provided due to longstanding structural challenges and the Taliban’s economic mismanagement.

Under Secretary Nelson emphasized Treasury’s commitment to supporting the people of Afghanistan and seeking solutions to mitigate humanitarian challenges on the ground while preventing the flow of funds to illicit activities. Since August, Treasury has hosted several meetings with NGOs and financial institutions at all levels to solicit feedback and provide technical assistance with regard to Afghanistan.

The seven new Frequently Asked Questions:

957: Guidance on Processing Transactions related to Shipping Food to Afghanistan

958: Guidance on Authorized Transactions with the Taliban and the Haqqani Network

959: Guidance on Support to Public Hospitals in Afghanistan

960: Guidance on Direct Payments to Afghan Teachers and Healthcare Workers

961: Guidance on Support to Municipal Water Systems in Afghanistan

962: Guidance on Banks’ Processing of Transactions Related to Activities Authorized by General Licenses

963: Guidance on Humanitarian Cash Shipments to Afghanistan

These FAQs build on the December 2021 Fact Sheet, Provision of Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan and Support for the Afghan People.

The Frontier Post

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