
South Korea’s omicron deaths surge amid faltering response

SEOUL (AP): South Korea reached another daily record in COVID-19 deaths on Thursday as health officials reported more than 621,000…

2 years ago

WHO suspends evaluation of Sputnik-V vaccine

GENEVA (RIA Novosti): The World Health Organization has temporarily suspended evaluation of the Russian coronavirus vaccine Sputnik V due to…

2 years ago

Take These 6 Steps to Prevent Colon Cancer

Monitoring Desk NEW YORK: Colon cancer can be a devastating diagnosis, but there are a number of steps you can…

2 years ago

South Korea hits record 400,000 plus cases amid Omicron wave

SEOUL (AFP): South Korea reported more than 400,000 new coronavirus cases Wednesday, a new record, as the country continues to…

2 years ago

250 Afghan kids died of
measles in 15 months: WHO

KABUL (Tolo News): The World Health Organization (WHO) says that Afghanistan has been experiencing a measles resurgence that started at…

2 years ago

Businesses shut as officials widen Covid lockdowns

BEIJING (BBC): Multinational companies have halted some operations as China widens its Covid lockdowns - among its biggest since the…

2 years ago

FDA warns against use of Renuvion/J-Plasma device for Certain Aesthetic Procedures

F.P. Report WASHINGTON: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning consumers and health care providers against the use…

2 years ago

Hugging a ‘Breathing Pillow’ That Simulates Slow Breathing Relieves Anxiety: Study

Monitoring Desk LONDON: Could hugging a soft, mechanized pillow that simulates slow breathing help test-stressed students ward off anxiety and…

2 years ago

WHO is working day and night to keep medical supply chains open and preserve Ukraine’s health system

F.P. Report GENEVA: Since Russia’s military offensive began in Ukraine on 24 February, WHO has worked around the clock to…

2 years ago

WHO begins discussing when and how to declare end of pandemic

GENEVA (Agencies): Public health experts at the World Health Organization have begun discussing how and when to call an end…

2 years ago

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