
What Your Food Cravings Reveal About Your Health

Monitoring Desk SYDNEY: Those food cravings that hit you suddenly in the late in the afternoon or while watching television…

2 years ago

China tightens controls as more virus cases reported

BEIJING (AP): Hong Kong on Saturday reported 27,647 new coronavirus cases while Shanghai closed schools and parks and authorities in…

2 years ago

This Exercise is Best for a Sounder Sleep

Monitoring Desk Folks tussling with lousy sleep often turn to the sidewalk or the treadmill or the bike, figuring that…

2 years ago

Two grueling years later, world takes cautious steps forward

PORTLAND (AP): With COVID-19 case numbers plummeting, Emily Safrin did something she hadn’t done since the pandemic began two years…

2 years ago

China locks down city of 9 million amid new spike in cases

BEIJING (AP): China on Friday ordered a lockdown of the 9 million residents of the northeastern city of Changchun amid…

2 years ago

Two years on, WHO warns pandemic ‘far from over’

GENEVA (AFP): The pandemic is far from over, the WHO's leader insisted Wednesday, two years after he first used the…

2 years ago

Three diets that could help reduce blood pressure

F.P. Report ISLAMABAD: Dr Chris Steele, seventy-six years old British Medical Doctor, has been sharing his experiences and knowledge on…

2 years ago

In ‘zero Covid’ HK, deaths smash global records

HONG KONG (Agencies): The Hong Kong nursing home where Amy’s 78-year-old mother lives battened down the hatches when the COVID-19…

2 years ago

Austria suspends vaccine mandate before enforcement starts

BERLIN (AP): Austria’s government said Wednesday it is suspending the country’s coronavirus vaccination mandate for most adults, arguing that there’s…

2 years ago

Why people rush for iodine tablets over nuclear, cancer risk

BRUSSELS (AFP): European countries have seen stocks of iodine fly off the shelves due to fears it may be needed…

2 years ago

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