Categories: Editorial

China-US hostility is increasing

A senior US Navy Officer has recently called on regional allies to challenge and check China’s aggressive behaviour in the South China Sea, including the use of a water cannon by the Chinese coast guard against a Philippine vessel in regional waters.

Commander US seventh fleet, Vice Admiral, Karl Thomas assured the Philippines authorities of US support in the face of shared challenges from their common foe in the adjoining South and East China Seas and entire Indo-Pacific regions. According to the American Admiral, Philiphine should challenge the Chinese boats operating in the grey zone, pushing Filipinos deep into their own territory.

The American general urged the Philippines Navy to push Mandarians back to their waters if it intends to govern in that area. The tension remained high in the South China Sea due to the continuous standoff between the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy and Philippines Navy over the past months. Multiple border skirmishes occurred between rival forces in the disputed sea contested by assertive Beijing and Manila.

The United States had long been in search of allies and partners in far Asia to contain ever growing Chinese influence that became more threatening after Being constructed numerous man made Islands that are being used as military outposts by the Chinese military. After the reelection of the President Bongbong Marcos Jr, has tried his level best to reset his country’s ties with Beijing, but decades long territorial disputes remained a major hurdle between normalization of relations between the two neighbors.

Meanwhile, persistent assertiveness of Chinese coast guards against the Philippines Navy also the kept the water boiling between Manila and Baijing throughout this period. Currently, US Navy 7th fleet is the most powerful warmachine in the Far East which is based in Japan and comprises over 70 warships, 150 fighter jets, countless boats and other lethal weapons. However, American generals neither dare to challenge offensive patrols of Chinese submarines and warships in Indo-Pacific waters nor interdict Chinese fighter jets overfight in disputed territories.

However, American Strategists motivate poor Filiphinos to challenge and check ruthless Chinese who often portray a brutal behavior to their neighbours. Hence, it would be better that Americans themselves deal their worst enemy wih persuasion and tact instead of scapegoating poor Filiphinos in the ongoing tussle between two elephants.

The Frontier Post

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