Ali Ahmad
Dreams are the ones that don’t let you sleep. Dreams are the ones you dream with open eyes. To Stop dreaming is to stop living. Dream is life-force rather driving force. When we set goal, our life revolves round the goal. For, to remain without goal is like to be a ship without destination.
The holiest goal of man is to perform the actions that pleases the creator. Vowing to do good to others varies like; treating others having a smile on face which is an immediate or cheap medicine, providing catering for the poor, paying money in charity or extending precious moments of time so as to help others or picking up an obstacle from the way that might trip a passer-by . But save them, there are some noble deeds that may be par excellence and felicitate sad music of humanity.
Moving an injured to hospital, Such holy deeds also lead to Almighty Allah’s consent. These deeds are the echo of spiritual resolution and commitment.
When you perform an act of good, you feel morally accountable to your good self and the creator. It creates a wave of self-actualization. You feel like continuing the sacred cause of virtue somehow. It’s like domino effect, it makes you do other goods also. Donating blood is one of the highest degrees of compassion and benevolence one can do to others.
The name of blood donation makes us afraid of sometimes ,but it is a mere pinching of needle for a moment then the pricking pain is no more there. Blood bank dealer takes only 300 CC blood sometimes 200 or 2.5 cc as per need. This process takes just 10 to 15 minutes. That bag of blood can save three lives. It’s a holy cause indeed.
But generally the eighteen and above are considered healthy and mature enough for donation. To save a human is equal to saving all mankind.
There are benefits of donating blood. It alleviates blood phobia. It deviates hypertension , similarly the risk of cardiac arrest is reduced. It triggers one’s courage to become the part of social community. It’s vigorous for our psyche. It shakes off stress. Harmful calories and toxic chemicals are also eliminated from our body. It provides you an opportunity to know about your medical health. Doctor feels your pulse, blood pressure and iron level before blood transfusion. Contributing in donation of blood is the most selfless thing you can do. It improves heart’s health.
It’s the promotion of social well-being. The most important benefit is that you are saving a life. Albert Einstein said, “Only a life that lived for others is a life worthwhile”. A blood drawing procedure is less painful than the individual who were having blood drawn for personal medical purposes. Some are on their critical stages like that of blood cancer, major surgical operation or Thelesemia .
The title mentioned above ,is the name of a book written by Barrack Obama that made me remember the burning dream of my father. He has this vision and is still working on that. Hats off to him who has donated blood more than one hundred and forty times and to us he taught the same. By the grace of Allah Almighty, he is in good and sound health Alhamdollillah. He donates blood after a certain period of time, setting a world record with a never-say-die passion. I have also submitted my ordinary contribution in this stream forty four times. Alhamdollillah I am quite well and sound as any individual in society. I feel no negative of it.
The spiritual relief you are blessed with while donating, beggars description. Happiness or emotional solace of this kind can never be found in any materialistic action, worldly pleasures, or in being self-centered. Anything that is shared, in the better interest of people, is increased by heavens whether it is knowledge, money, time or any form of help you extend. The blessed ones or good-driven never conduct any virtue for the sake of reward or appreciation. Good is however victorious and blessed.
If you judge blessings with the touchstone of wealth you are misunderstanding the concept of good and blessings. Acception is no rule. Being blessed is also diverse in shapes. Some have the wealth of knowledge, some have the wealth of pious siblings, some have the wealth of name and fame ,some have the wealth of true friends, some have the wealth of good health. Good is the child of selflessness. The way the character of Parson in the Canterbury tales of Chaucer was doing the social service , that is one of the appropriate examples of selflessness. He was doing social service without any thought of appreciation or reward. For, the consent of Allah Almighty is the greatest reward they ever have.
Those whose mission is doing good on the surface of earth need not any motivation, rather they are self-motivated. They are always blessed in one or the other shape. Wordsworth said, “Nature never did betray the heart that loved her”. My father has a dream that the contribution in donating blood may be increased in the good interest of mankind and there should not be any want of blood to patients whenever an emergency occurs out of sudden.
This blessed culture ought to be spread like stream so that the children of Thelesemia and patients of blood cancer who are expecting us to visit and assist them, be helped out. This is what the music of good calls for. When new blood is transfused into the bodies of kids, suffering from blood cancer, their ailing faces bloom again. That encourages the donor. Donors are like a life-line to them. This culture of medical aid requires empathy which is the chief quality of mankind.
We ought to ask ourselves that what we are giving to our coming generation. We are handing down a history as well as future to our generation. One learns from various disciplines: discipline of nature, discipline of superior force, discipline of culture. It comes in both discipline of culture and superior force that whatever we do or uphold in surroundings of our emotional life or social milieu, our children and juniors immitate us. In other words our children are the future of mankind thus a future is being created.
However, Good is perpetual and the opportunity of doing good is a blessing. The holy deed that we perform, bring spiritual solace that lies nowhere but in virtue and virtue is its own reward. If we start donating blood at least once in an year, it will rule out the risk of rapid mortalities in the wake of fatal diseases like blood cancer and Thelesemia.
Life is uncertain and may be shorter than our expectations. Everything is in the state of locomotion and subject to decline. Nothing remains in this world but the good actions we do out of our faith. Performing a good action is becoming a part of good action that will be continued on the surface of earth for long. So, good is eternal in nature and double in temper. Good blesses the one who receive it and also the one who performs it. Virtue is immortal and it is saved in the heavenly books of Almighty Allah. Why the sages of the ages are still alive in world literature and in our hearts and memories? On the account of their achievements. Life is not counted by years but by achievements.
Let’s Practice it more with the belief that this virtue of ours is saved in our account with Allah Almighty. With the belief that if good is not performed, the existence of good will vanish with the march of time then how good will be recognized. For, this is how we are laying down the foundation for good of tomorrow. For the best way to predict future is to create it.