Categories: Business

EU unemployment rate down in January

ANKARA (AA): Unemployment rate in the EU fell to 6.5 percent in January, according to Friday’s official data.

Eurostat, the statistical office of the EU, said the figure declined from 6.6 percent in December, and from 7.2 percent in the same month last year.

“The euro area (EA19) seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 7.8 percent in January 2019, stable compared with December 2018 and down from 8.6 percent in January 2018,” it said.

The eurozone/euro area or EA19 represents member states that use the single currency — euro — while the EU28 includes all member countries of the bloc.

“Eurostat estimates that 16.2 million men and women in the EU28, of whom 12.8 million in the euro area, were unemployed in January,” the statistical office said.

The number of persons unemployed decreased by 56,000 in the EU28 on a monthly basis, and fell by 1.53 million year-on-year.

According to the Eurostat, the lowest unemployment rates of January among the member states were recorded in Czech Republic with 2.1 percent and in Germany — 3.2 percent.

“The highest unemployment rates were observed in Greece (18.5 percent in November 2018), Spain (14.1 percent) and Italy — 10.5 percent,” Eurostat said.

Official figures revealed that there were 3.37 million unemployed young people — under 25 — across the EU as of January, with a 14.9 percent youth unemployment rate.

The lowest youth unemployment figures were observed in Germany, Czech Republic and the Netherlands, as the highest figures were recorded in Greece, Italy, and Spain.

The Frontier Post

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