Categories: Global

Event at embassy to highlight Indian atrocities in Kashmir

F.P. Report

Washington DC: An event was organized by Embassy of Pakistan, Washington DC to highlight Indian atrocities in Kashmir. A large number of Pakistani community members and Kashmiri diaspora attended the event.
Chairman, Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir, Shehryar Afridi in his key note address underscored the efforts of Pakistan to highlight India’s continued state-terrorism in IIOJK at various international forums. Subsequently, the UN Security Council on different occasions has taken up the issue for discussion keeping in view the prevailing horrendous situation in the area, thereby belying Indian claim that the dispute is India’s internal matter. He deplored that Indian Government and its security forces since August 5,2019 has intensified its inhuman tactics and subjected the people of IIOJK to worst kind of human rights violations besides imposition of indefinite curfew, suspension of all cyber communication lines, custodial torture and deaths, use of pellet guns, extra judicial killings and random imprisonment of innocent people. He concluded his remarks by reaffirming Government of Pakistan’s resolve to continue extending full political, diplomatic and moral support to the legitimate struggle of valiant Kashmiris for the right to self-determination as enshrined in numerous UNSC Resolutions.
The Ambassador in his remarks said that observance of black day in the month of October commemorates the ominous designs of Indian Government when its security forces illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir in 1947 and since last 74 years have subjected the innocent Kashmiris to brutal repression. He added that on August 5,2019 the Indian Government, in violation of international law and humanitarian norms, altered the constitutional status and demographic structure of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). However, these illegal and unilateral Indian actions have not only been rejected by Kashmiris and Pakistan but international community too condemned it for being in violation of International Law and relevant UNSC resolutions.
The other speakers included former Foreign Secretary, Jalil Abbas Jilani and Secretary General, World Kashmir Awareness Forum, Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai emphasized on support and solidarity with Kashmiri people for realization of their legitimate right to self-determination and acknowledged how despite turning Kashmir into a large prison, India has not been able to dampen the indomitable spirit of the freedom loving Kashmiri people.

The Frontier Post

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