Facebook Messenger gets dark mode

F.P. Report

ISLAMABAD: Facebook Messenger’s dark mode is rolling out to globally today, as announced on Facebook’s product blog. The feature was previously hidden behind an Easter egg activation that made users send a crescent moon emoji in order to activate it. Now, users can enable the mode through a toggle switch in their settings, which can be accessed by tapping their profile photo.

The feature, which switches the chat display from white to black, cuts down on glare for use in low-light situations. Google also claims that dark mode could help save battery on Android phones since it uses less power to display black. Others just prefer it for aesthetic reasons. More apps are jumping on the dark mode train, as official support for apps like Microsoft’s OneNote and operating systems like macOS Mojave are becoming more widely available. You can use this handy guide to enable dark mode on your phones, laptops, and more.

Courtesy: (theverge.com)