Categories: Pakistan

FO condemns ‘senseless act’ of Holy Quran desecration in Netherlands

F.P. Report

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has condemned in the strongest terms the latest senseless and deeply offensive act of desecration of the Holy Quran that took place in The Hague, the Netherlands in front of some embassies of OIC member countries including Pakistan.

In a press release issued in Islamabad, Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said it is a deliberately provocative and Islamophobic act that has hurt the sentiments of Muslims around the world.

She said such acts cannot be condoned under the guise of freedom of expression, opinion and protest.

The spokesperson said Pakistan believes that freedom of expression comes with responsibilities. National governments should actively prevent racist and Islamophobic acts, which incite religious hatred.

It is important for the international community to raise its voice against Islamophobia and work in concert to promote interfaith harmony.

She said that was the spirit behind the resolution passed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2022 to mark 15 March as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia.

The spokesperson said Pakistan’s concerns have been conveyed to the Dutch authorities.

She further said we urge them to be mindful of the sentiments of the people of Pakistan and Muslims around the world and take active steps to prevent such hateful and Islamophobic acts.

The Frontier Post

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