F.P. Report
LONDON: Her trip underscores the UK’s strategic commitment to fighting corruption and advancing human rights as foundational components of British foreign policy, including advocating for media freedom and judicial independence.
While in Guatemala City, Ambassador French will meet with the Minister of Foreign Affairs to discuss shared international human rights concerns, such as the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine, and threats to freedoms in other parts of the world, including Latin America.
Additionally, the Human Rights Ambassador will discuss Guatemala’s own circumstances with the newly appointed Ombudsman, the Presidential Commission for Peace and Human Rights, Congressional representatives, and broader civil society groups. At these meetings, Ambassador French will reinforce the UK commitment to supporting organisations that defend human rights, lobbying host governments and debating rules in international fora.
Some of the critical UK priorities include tackling discrimination especially against women and LGBTQI+ persons; enshrine freedom of religion and speech, and continue defending democracy. Finally, Ambassador French will stress the need for businesses to continue embracing human rights as a pathway to increase prosperity and wellbeing for the Guatemalan people.