Categories: Technology

Google team to visit Pakistan soon for cooperation in education, tech field

ISLAMABAD (APP) : The Federal Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has announced that a high-level team from Google will visit Pakistan soon to explore possible cooperation in the fields of education and technology.

According to the Ministry of Education, the purpose of the Google team’s visit to Pakistan is to improve educational outcomes and increase access to quality education, especially for out-of-school children.

The visit follows a request from the Ministry of Federal Education to Google to support Pakistan’s efforts to create a digitally enabled education system.

Advance teams from Google have already conducted preliminary work and are excited about the potential for collaboration, it added.

The ministry also said that a national workshop was organized with stakeholders to explore technology solutions for out-of-school children.

Similarly, discussions were held on possible cooperation in the fields of education and technology.

“We are thrilled to welcome the Google team to Pakistan and explore ways to leverage technology to improve education outcomes. This collaboration has the potential to transform the education landscape in Pakistan and expand access to quality education for all.” said Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training. 

The Frontier Post

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