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Govt prepares interest-free loan package for small private schools

F.P. Report
ISLAMABAD: Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training Shafqat Mehmood Friday said the government has prepared an interest-free package of loans for the low-income private schools aimed at providing them financial support in this testing time due to COVID-19.
In a meeting with the delegation consisting of Supreme Council of All Private Schools Association, Shafqat Mahmood stated that the financial package for the small schools was currently in the Finance Division.
The delegation was represented by Dr Afzal Babar, Malik Ibrar, Chudhary Ubaid Ullah, Nasir Mahmood and Ibrar Ahmad Khan.
He assured the association of his full cooperation in that regard. Shafqat said the last year was very tough especially for education sector.
The decision for closing of educational institutions was a tough one, he mentioned. He told the delegates that education ministry itself could not take any decision but keeping in view the data and directions by the Health Ministry.
He also informed the private schools representatives about the variation of new coronavirus in Pakistan which has been reportedly transferred from UK.
He informed that in Inter Provincial Education Ministers Conference (IPEMC) meeting scheduled to be held on January 4, the decision would be taken regarding transferring of exams already scheduled in March aimed at to complete students course. Keeping in view the current situation, the summer vacations will be reduced, the minister added. He said the IPEMC will also consult about start of annual educational year in August rather than March.
“I had requested the provincial education ministers to consult with the representatives of private schools prior to the IPEMC. I would represent private schools associations in the meeting,” he added.
He said “we will make all out efforts to open schools as soon as possible.” He assured to take all decisions unanimously keeping politics aside.

The Frontier Post

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