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Pak Army pays tribute to Kashmiris, victims of Baluchistan incident

F.P Report

RAWALPINDI: Pakistan Army on Tuesday has expressed solidarity with heroic and brave Kashmiri brethren. This resolve was expressed at 238th Corps Commanders’ Conference held in Rawalpindi with Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa in the chair.

During this meeting the participants underlined a comprehensive review of regional and domestic security environment with special focus on situation along the borders, internal security and other professional matters of the Army.

Speaking on the occasion, General Bajwa said highest standards of capability and maintaining cutting edge at all levels is vital to meet all challenges in tandem with other elements of national power.

Furthermore the dignitaries also reaffirmed that the determined Kashmiris shall succeed in their freedom struggle as decades of atrocities by Indian Occupation Forces have failed to suppress their ever strengthening movement.  The military commanders also expressed satisfaction over positive developments in Afghan Peace Process and efforts made for regional peace and stability.

While analyzing the current security environment, the corps commanders underlined that that defeat of complete threat spectrum is only possible through a comprehensive national effort, where all segments of the society play their rightful role. 

The sources have also informed that the forum discussed the ongoing security situation along the Line of Control, Working Boundary and Eastern Border.

 It also highlighted that training and professional pursuits must remain our prime focus to augment operational preparedness and thwart any possible misfortune.

Regarding COVID-19 the forum paid extreme respect and appreciation for all those who are putting their lives at stake fighting COVID-19 pandemic. 

The participants also paid special tribute to all shuhada and their families for supreme sacrifices rendered for peaceful and secure Pakistan, especially the recent incidents in Balochistan.

The forum said that their sacrifices would not go waste as terrorists will be defeated at all costs.

The Frontier Post

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