KP literacy index

World literacy census report reveals that in males’ literacy rate Khyber Pukhtunkhwa is ahead of other federating units of the country but it lags behind Punjab and other provinces in overall literacy ratio.

It is because of the gender gap in school education that the province ranks fourth after Punjab and Sindh in female literacy.

The widening gender disparity in literacy is beyond comprehension as the provincial government claims to have enforced education emergency and the budgetary allocation of the past six years for elementary and secondary education are quite impressive.

If 20 percent increase in males ‘literacy has been achieved then why females’ literacy is on the decline instead of rising.

Are the statistics fictitious which had been released by education department in its rundown last year about the admissions to girls’ schools in urban and rural areas? Is the dropout rate from girl’s schools high as compared with boys’ schools? These pertinent and mind boggling questions need answers if anybody at the helm of affairs cares to.