Categories: Pakistan

Nawaz Sharif to appear before court, Rana Sana

F.P. Report

LAHORE : The Pakistan Muslim League-N (PMLN) Punjab President Rana Sanaullah has said that former premier Nawaz Sharif would appear before the court.

Addressing a press conference on Tuesday, he said the entire PMLN and the public is ready to welcome Nawaz Sharif on Oct 21. He said how the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) would attract the voters without hitting the PMLN.

He said the entire Muslim world had celebrated when Pakistan had become the atomic power and it happened under the leadership of Nawaz Sharif.

The entire nation is facing the crisis like situation due to Baba Rehmaty, however, Nawaz Sharif is coming back to Pakistan for the nation. He said we have to improve the situation of the common man and the PMLN head would do it by announcing the party manifesto at a gathering. During the public gathering, he said Nawaz Sharif would also express his view on his narrative and policy as well.

Criticizing the chairman PTI, the former interior minister said due to his conducts he is in jail as we had not instituted case against anyone. He said the the neat and clean person turned up disastrous and country could default in his regime.

He said that incidents of May 9 were attack on the defense of Pakistan and culprits involved in this occurrence should be given any relaxation.

Everyone is free to contest the election as the PMLN does not want to incarcerate anyone, the minister said adding during a meeting with the Election Commission early elections had been demanded.

Praising the former premier, Shehbaz Sharif, he said the later had saved Pakistan from default and the entire nation appreciated it.

courtesy : dunya news

The Frontier Post

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