Naimat Khan
KARACHI: Pakistan Navy observed World Maritime Day 2017 on Thursday (28 Sep 17) in coordination with IMO.
The theme adopted by IMO for this year was ‘Connecting Ships, Ports and People’ aimed at strengthening the existing cooperation between ports and ships for safe, secure and efficient maritime trade and transportation linking economies and people globally. Chief of the Naval Staff in his message on the occasion said that despite the fact Pakistan is blessed with a long coastline and abundance of marine resources, the country’s realization of this vast potential has been far from satisfactory.
With the onset of CPEC, maritime activities in Pakistan will increase manifold. This cooperation between ports and shipping industry would therefore, become even more important for systematic development of our maritime sector.
The Naval Chief urged that the foremost need therefore, is to recognize this important aspect of economy and create appropriate opportunities for capacity building of our people, especially younger generation and the maritime infrastructure to accrue long term benefits from our maritime potential.
While underscoring the need for significance augmentation of Maritime sector, the Admiral said that Pakistan Navy is cognizant of the need for futuristic growth of maritime sector in Pakistan and is leading the way in raising maritime awareness which is a fundamental imperative.
To celebrate the World Maritime Day, Pakistan Navy planned wide range of activities to acquaint the masses of its significance, raise maritime awareness and highlight Pakistan Navy’s contributions towards sustainable development of Pakistan’s maritime sector.
In this regard, Pakistan Navy arranged numerous activities including harbor cleaning, talk show, prize essay competitions, lectures, boat rallies, events in Bahria Colleges and free entry for general masses in maritime gala at Pakistan Maritime Museum, where various organizations set up their stalls.
As a precursor, Pakistan Navy conducted two weeks long Maritime Security Workshop at PN War College Lahore, under the banner of, “Secure Seas-Prosperous Pakistan”.
An essay competition among all Admin Authorities was also conducted on ‘Connecting Ships, Ports and People – Challenges and Way Forward for Pakistan’ to highlight the importance and necessary measures to exploit our maritime potential to its optimum.
Events such as World Maritime Day play a key role in drawing attention towards the maritime industry’s contribution towards global economy and in raising maritime awareness amongst the general populace.
Pakistan Navy is cognizant of its obligations of providing safe and secure maritime environment. It also supports the sustainable development of Pakistan’s maritime economy through effective implementation of all national and international commitments.
Pakistan Navy remains committed to protecting our national maritime interests and resolved to continue its efforts towards development of the maritime sector to help realize Pakistan’s true maritime potential.