Categories: Pakistan

PTI calls May 25 darkest day in political history

F.P. Report

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) declared May 25, 2022 as the darkest day in the political history of the country, because on this day, the state unleashed its full fury on peaceful marchers under leader of PTI Founding Chairman Imran Khan and subjected them to tear gas, rubber bullets and batons for hours in total disregard of the constitution and law.

PTI Spokesperson, in a statement, said that PTI Founding Chairman Imran Khan launched the movement of Haqeeqi Azadi two years ago and took out a historic peaceful Azad March to establish supremacy of constitution and rule of law in the country.

However, he stated that as the state’s fascism reached its peak, the peaceful participations of the Azad March were subjected to the worst state brutalities on May 25, 2022 and unleashed a reign of terror and cracked down on them in sheer violation of the constitution and law.

PTI Spokesperson recalled that on that day, human rights were trampled across the country and the sanctity of foul walls was desecrated, as on that night, houses were raided, women and children were harassed, and PTI leaders and workers were abducted. He stated that during this state barbarism, two PTI workers were martyred, and dozens were injured, besides destroying properties and ransacking their homes.

PTI Spokesperson noted that the state machinery tried its best to push the country towards civil war; however it was Imran Khan who, despite facing and enduring all the worst state atrocities, held high the flag of peace and saved the country from internal turmoil and chaos.

He said that two years ago, the oppression and tyranny inflicted on the citizens marked the beginning of a shameful sequence of the state barbarity and fascism, adding that during these two years, Pakistan’s largest and only federal political party PTI, had been subjected to full-scale state brutality.

PTI Spokesperson lamented that under the pretext of a false flag operation on May 9, senior leaders, including women, and over 10,000 workers were rounded up and imprisoned. He went on to say that the state was still engaged in extrajudicial and illegal activities, while Imran Khan and PTI were continuously targeted with violence and revenge.

Pakistan needs stability, which can only be achieved by ensuring supremacy of constitution and law, he asserted. PTI Spokesperson demanded an immediate end to the state oppression, release of Imran Khan to provide effective leadership to the country and nation before the crisis further aggravated and the situation reached to a point of no return.

The Frontier Post

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