Categories: Pakistan

Quaid-e-Azam Day to be celebrated countrywide on Dec 25 with full zeal

F.P. Report

ISLAMABAD: All are set to celebrate the 146th birthday of the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah on December 25 (Sunday) across the country with pledges to uphold his guiding principles of unity, faith, and discipline.

The whole nation is busy in the preparations to celebrate the birth anniversary of the father of the nation with traditional zeal and fervor by paying rich tributes to him for his untiring struggle, sagacity and leadership that led to the creation of a separate homeland for the Muslims of sub-continent.

Public and private departments will hold a variety of events including seminars, conferences, competitions and discussion programs to highlight the messages and vision of Quaid-e-Azam.

The national flag will be hoisted on major government buildings throughout the country on the birth anniversary of the founder of Pakistan. The day will dawn with special prayers for the security, progress and prosperity of the country.

Special events will be arranged on the day to highlight and promote the ideals and views of the father of the nation, particularly with regard to rule of law, the supremacy of the constitution, and the upholding of democracy.

Pakistan Academy of Letters (PAL) arranged a special ceremony on December 22 (Thursday) to mark the 146th birth anniversary of the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

The ceremony was presided over by noted literary person Dr. Ehsan Akbar while Haroon-ur-Rasheed Tabassum, Yusuf Aziz, Jabbar Mirza, and Professor Dr. Fakhar-ur-Islam were the special guests at the occasion.

The National Institute of Folk and Traditional Heritage (Lok Virsa) will hold special programs on December 25 (Sunday) at Pakistan National Heritage Museum. A prestigious opening ceremony featuring vibrant performances will also be held at the Heritage Museum Hall, Lok Virsa, Islamabad.

Screening of video documentaries on Quaid-i-Azam will also be shown at the Pakistan National Monument Museum.

Nazariya Pakistan Council has also arranged essay writing competitions in connection with the Youm-i-Quaid celebrations in which students of different educational institutions participated and exhibited their extraordinary oratorical skills. Islamabad Cycling Association will arrange Cycle Race on December 24 (Saturday) around F-9 Park (Bolan Gate) on the main roads. Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a true and upright leader whose devotion and committed efforts resulted in the creation of a separate homeland for the Muslims of the Sub-continent. He with his leadership qualities and his vision changed the map of the world.

The new generation should make Quaid-e-Azam their role model and follow his principles. Pakistan Tehreek-i-Shaoor will arrange hiking at Trail 5 followed by a discussion on Quaid’s life on Sunday with the purpose to highlight the vision of the founder of Pakistan in a unique way.

While Bazeecha Trust will also mark the day by arranging special functions on Sunday. (APP)

The Frontier Post

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