Categories: Pakistan

SCBA announces countrywide strike on Sep 14

F.P. Report

ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan (SCBA) on Thursday announced a nationwide strike on September 14 for the supremacy of the Constitution, the rule of law and the protection of fundamental rights in Pakistan.

The SCBA directed the bar councils to hold a peaceful protest on September 14 across the country. It said that there will be protests for the supremacy of the Constitution, the rule of law and the protection of fundamental rights in Pakistan.
Earlier, the 25th Executive Committee of the Supreme Court Bar Association organised the ‘All Pakistan Lawyers Convention’, where concerns surrounding the country’s constitutional violations from the institutes took centre stage.
Lawyers from across the nation congregated, emphasising their commitment to the rule of law, the constitution, and the rights of Pakistan’s citizens.

The Lawyers Convention, held in the backdrop of mounting socio-political issues, concluded with the unanimous passing of several resolutions, reflecting the collective will of the legal fraternity. Foremost amongst the resolutions was the insistence that elections should adhere to the constitution, conducted within the stipulated 90 days post the dissolution of the assemblies.

The resolution underscored lawyers as staunch defenders of not only the Constitution but also the fundamental rights and civil liberties of the populace. (PPI)

The Frontier Post

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