Categories: Sports

Special Olympians delegation calls on CM

KARACHI (PPI): Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has said that his government would establish special sports facilities for Special Olympics and create employment opportunities in the province.
“I am announcing the hiring of Special Olympic Safeer Abid, a cyclist, as an IT official in CM House as he also has expertise in the IT sector.”
He made this announcement in his meeting with a 36-member delegation of Special Olympians who called on him here at CM House along with their coaches. The meeting was attended by Minister of Social Welfare Sajid Jokhio, CM Special Assistant on Sports Arbab Lutuf, Chief Secretary Sohail Rajput, and provincial secretaries.
The CM was told Team Special Olympics Pakistan joined the global stage in Berlin for the Special Olympics World Games in Berlin 2023, held in June 2023. The Special Olympics World Games are the world’s largest inclusive sports event.
The Special Olympics Pakistan celebrated a colorful international festival of sports – with the aim of achieving greater recognition and social participation of people with intellectual disabilities in society.
The meeting was told that the Special Special Olympics Pakistan participated in these games with a delegation of 128 members with 87 Athletes, including 53 Males and 34 Females and 30 coaches, in the f 11 sports.
These 11 sports include Athletics, badminton, Basketball, Bocce, cycling, football, powerlifting, swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, and Field Hockey, and won 10 Gold medals, 29 Silver and 40 Bronze medals. At this, the chief minister applauded the Special Olympics with claps.
Shah addressing the special sports persons said that his government would develop world-class sports facilities with different courts for the Special Olympics. He directed the chief secretary to identify the land where the sports complex could be established.
“My government would provide you [special Olympics] all the facilities, assistance, and employment opportunities so that you can lead a respectable life without depending on others,” he said.

The Frontier Post

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