Categories: Pakistan

Terrorists, abettors to be hunted down until surrender: Gen Asim

F.P. Report
RAWALPINDI: Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir has said that terrorists, their affiliates and abettors — working on the behest of a hostile agenda to destabilise Pakistan — will be hunted down until their surrender to the state, according to a statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) on Wednesday.
The army chief made these remarks during his interaction with officers and troops deployed in the Sherwangi area near Asman Manza in South Waziristan district, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) today, where six brave soldiers had embraced martyrdom a day earlier while fighting gallantly against terrorists, the military’s media wing added.
The COAS appreciated the troops’ unflinching resolve in fighting the menace of terrorism. “Shuhada are our pride and their sacrifices will not go in vain till the return of complete peace and stability in Pakistan.”
During the visit, Gen Munir was also given a detailed briefing on the prevailing security situation including ongoing intelligence and counter-terrorism operations. Earlier upon arrival, the COAS was received by Commander Peshawar Corps, the ISPR added.

The Frontier Post

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