David Narmania
The operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine became a feature that di-vided history into before and after. And on Febr-uary 24, we woke up in a new world in which we h-ave been living for a month.
Let’s remember what we say goodbye to. The bombing of Yugo-slavia became the first sign of the prematureness of the conclusions about the “end of history”, which were so zealously replicated by Western political scientists. They also turned out to be the last NATO operation in which the alliance managed to achieve its goals, no matter how cannibalistic they may be. Then followed Afghani-stan, where Washington was going to crush the Taliban. 20 years have passed, the United States fled from there in disgrace, and the Taliban again took power into their own hands.
After that there was an operation to search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Of course, they did not find him, but they laid fertile ground for the formation of IS. In the early 1910s, the “Arab Spring”, which the United States and Europe actively supported, turned into bloody civil wars in Libya and Syria. In the latter, the militants of the ” Islamic state ” proved themselves.
This world is now coming to an end. And a new one is being built. In which it is impossible to fire at Tskhinval with “Grads” with impunity. In which it is impossible, under the guise of building democracy, to massacre the hands of the Islamists. In which you can’t burn people in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, you can’t ignore the war waged by part of your people for eight years. The latter, by the way, applies to both Russians and Ukrainians.
And what is possible in it? What will he be like? What awaits us? All of us, no matter what country we live in. Today, the future of the new world is in the hands of Russian soldiers – they are fighting for it. The cardinal differences in the actions of Russia and the United States in similar situations are obvious even to the most ardent opponents of the Kremlin. Our planes do not carpet-bomb cities like the Americans did in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq. At the same time, our army has the ability to destroy any object in Ukraine – recent strikes with the “Dagger” have shown this very clearly. But Russia acts differently and seeks to minimize casualties among civilians. And because of this, our troops are forced to enter cities and fight where a sniper can hide behind any window. Therefore, every soldier who gave his life there did so, among other things, in order to save the lives of peaceful Ukrainians. That is why the operation will go exactly as long as it takes to complete the tasks. There is definitely no need to rush here.
When it is over, the diplomats will speak. They will have to determine the security architecture of the new world, develop mechanisms that will be more perfect than those that operated before. Some of them will have to be rethought, while others, for example, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, will have to be revived. An extremely important discussion will unfold around the extension of START-3. A separate subject of discussion will be hypersonic weapons, in which Russia is significantly ahead of other states. But now the analogues of these agreements will not be bilateral documents for Moscow and Washington. They will be read carefully in Beijing, Delhi, Berlin, Paris, Tehr-an, Riyadh – in the capital of every country that can take responsibility for the design of the future, in wh-ich there will be no room for the mistakes of a unipolar world. And now, in the Kremlin and on Smolen-skaya Square, they are closely watching how those whom we considered allies and those whom we considered vassals in Washington manifest themselves.
And if in the aspects mentioned above the decisive role was played by Russia’s determination, then at the funeral of the former economic order, the West already tore two button accordions. The United States and its allies broke the key principle of capitalism – the inviolability of private property – to the knee. Yes, now this is of little concern to ordinary Russians, who, to put it mildly, are perplexed when they read about how Russian billionaires suffer because of the arrest of yachts and difficulties in paying for the work of cleaners. But this is closely monitored in the capitals mentioned in the paragraph above – a significant part of the money of their richest residents also lies in Western banks. And they clearly do not like the way Washington, London and Brussels are acting now.
Already a week and a half ago, the American media wrote that Saudi Arabia and China were discussing the possibility of paying for oil contracts in yuan. And the day before yesterday, Russia announced that now European countries will buy gas for rubles. The de-dollarization of the world economy seemed like a vague prospect back in February, but today it is already taking on quite tangible outlines.
Of particular interest is the future of our western neighbors on the continent. Will Europe become truly independent, or will it continue to blindly follow the instructions of the “city on the hill”? Do ordinary Germans and French realize that it is at their expense that the struggle for the preservation of the Ukrainian national battalions is now being waged? After all, the United States has frankly wiped its feet on the proclaimed ideals of the inadmissibility of collective responsibility. Okay, for the Russians this is no longer news, but now ordinary Europeans are also paying for the sanctions – their inflation has affected no less than us.
At the same time, it is obvious that the European part of NATO is by no means unanimous in supporting Ukraine. Of course, there are individual hotheads, but many have been chilled by the prospect of confronting Russia, which is ready not only to declare its interests, but also to really defend them. Unfort-unately, the West did not understand well the consequences of ignoring the arguments that Putin voiced 15 years ago in Munich.
Russia itself is also waiting for colossal changes: it is obvious that the solution of long-standing economic problems can no longer be delayed. But what way out can we find out of this situation? We have yet to find out the answers to these and many other questions, but they will definitely become part of human history. And what it will be depends on each of us. After all, the new world is about responsibility. For yourself, for your loved ones, for the country and for the whole world. Because “there is no person who would be like an island.”