Categories: Afghanistan

Tribal Jirga in Paktia brokers ceasefire along Durand Line

PAKTIA (TOLOnews): After four days of clashes along the Durand Line in Paktia, a ceasefire has been reached through the mediation of tribal elders from both sides, bringing the fighting to an end.

Members of this joint jirga have stated that, after a week, the tribal elders from both sides agreed to form a 40-member committee to address issues arising on both sides of the Durand Line.

This jirga was held in the Dand-e-Patan district with the participation of senior officials from the Islamic Emirate and the Pakistani side. It was decided that the route for commercial activities would also be reopened.

Mohammad Anwar Sediqi, a tribal elder, said: “A joint meeting was held between the officials of the Islamic Emirate and Pakistan, and the outcome was shared. Three main issues were discussed: first, a ceasefire was declared; second, the road will be reopened.”

Wali Mohammad, another tribal elder, said: “An agreement was reached between the governments and tribes that we will no longer fight and will not allow any opportunities for conflict.”

The jirga called on both sides to ensure the safety of civilians during any clashes.

Khial Mohammad Samkani, a tribal elder, said: “Discussions took place between the governments, and we, the tribes from both sides, wanted to understand what this conflict was about and who was harmed.”

It has been reported that since last Monday, clashes between the forces of the Islamic Emirate and Pakistani soldiers occurred in the Aryob Zazi and Dand-e-Patan districts, resulting in the deaths of five civilians and injuries to five others due to rocket fire from Pakistan, causing significant financial losses to local residents.

The Frontier Post

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