‘Vaccination or social death’

Elena Karaeva

‘‘Vaccination or social death” – this is how they have already christened a new bill that the French government has submitted to parliamentarians.
At first, it was planned that Macron would be able to handle the business quickly, within the current week, since his party has the necessary majority, but the deputies from the ruling party went to refresh themselves at the decisive moment (“a pandemic is a pandemic, and dinner is on schedule”), and the opposition in their absence organized another vote and the amendments were postponed.
The authorities are impatiently hitting their hoofs anyway – the changes that the law, if passed, will be introduced into the everyday life of 67 million citizens cannot be compared with any period of French history, be it monarchical or republican.
We are talking about the introduction of the de facto compulsory vaccination of everyone over 12 years old against the coronavirus.
If the “vaccine passport” replaces the “health pass” from January 15, it would mean that an estimated seven million unvaccinated French people will be denied access to all but urban public transport, grocery stores, pharmacies and beauty salons.
Nobody will accept any negative results of any PCR tests.
The bill prohibits this directly and unequivocally.
The unvaccinated will not be able to travel to another city by train, they will be deprived of the opportunity to buy an air ticket, they will not be able to go to the cinema, theater, museum, library, not to mention cafes and restaurants.
This is how it looks today, a very close – at a distance of a calendar decade, starting from today – the future in the state, one of the mottos of which is equality.
“More equal”, that is, those who go to vaccinate according to the schedule proposed by the same authorities, the government, however, forgot to guarantee possible legal protection (and monetary compensation) in the event of side effects from the vaccine. That is, you prick yourself, as we told you, but if your health is or will be damaged as a result of the injection, then we have absolutely nothing to do with it.
And so, of course, you can try to sue Macron – within the framework of democracy and all the best – but it is unlikely that such a claim will be accepted.
And France in this case is by no means an exception: since the contract for the purchase of vaccines with Pfizer / BionTech and with the same Moderna was concluded by the European Commission , Brussels ruled out the clause on the liability of pharmaceutical companies for the consequences of vaccination under the pressure of the farmlobby. He excluded it alone, and left it to the governments of the countries of the European Union to take the rap .
So they are puffed up – there is no money for possible compensation for those who may have complications after vaccination, but they still have to get the vaccine if you want to continue to lead a normal life.
Macron himself a year ago, when vaccination was just beginning in France, vowed and swore that he would “never make the vaccine mandatory.” He said this in November 2020 and repeated it in the spring of 2021.
So that already three months later, in July, to introduce a “sanitary pass” for all adults, thus disavowing all their declarations.
Schoolchildren were “spared” until September 30, after which they did not require a vaccination certificate for extracurricular activities, including sports.
With the beginning of the fifth wave of infections with the “delta” strain, which is now being polished by the sixth wave – this time with the “omicron” – and throughout the entire pandemic, the authorities of European countries and France itself, as if on command, were adherents of values that were not at all before and with such a willingness to declare.
They very briskly limited practically all the rights of the individual, as soon as they decided that this was required for the “public good.” They put Europeans under lock and key, as was the case in Austria , introduced no less harsh measures, as was the case in the Netherlands, and checked QR codes at every step, as is now being done and will be done in France.
The scanty opposition did not swing the pendulum of public opinion in its direction, since society is being given a hand, and it is quite sensitive if and when it dares to object.
It is worth noting here that the rights and freedoms, which the European public was so concerned about and praised in every way, from the press to the highest officials of the European Union, turned out to be rather ephemeral, so ephemeral that in short months all this equality and all this brotherhood was gone. and a trace.
It is worth emphasizing that it was precisely this press and precisely these officials from Brussels that managed at the same time to point a finger in the direction of Russia , declaring that “there are no civil liberties in this country.” Although in such a situation, whose cow would bellow.
In the meantime, from an objective point of view, which is developing in our country, it is much better in terms of preserving the rights and freedoms of citizens than in the covered fifth / sixth, and most likely both the seventh and eighth (further down the list) waves of infection in Europe .
People calmly and of their own free will and their own discretion, in accordance with the public interest, are vaccinated, vaccines, including nasal ones, are produced, they provide guaranteed protection.
While in the same EU they are already hinting that maybe the immune response to Pfizer / BionTech or Moderna injections may not be as comprehensive as previously thought, so you will not have to run to get vaccinated if and when the current bill is passed. once a year and once a quarter.
WHO indirectly confirms this, since it officially announced that it intends to talk with the developers so that they change, as it was said, “the composition of the vaccine.”
What is meant by this mysterious expression “vaccine composition” has not yet been explained.
How the new lineup, unlike the old one, can (or will) affect health and well-being, and whether it will turn out to be as effective as Russia’s Sputnik V is also unknown.
There is no research and no scientific evidence on this score.
Today, the authorities in Europe and France make it clear to the people who have entrusted them with management, including their well-being, that they follow two principles of leadership.
The first was formulated long ago and sounds like this: “the rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning themselves”, that is, go and inject yourself if you want to go to dinner at a restaurant or play sports, and the second is that “who did not hide, I am not to blame” … After all, in principle, the authorities in France and in any other EU member state will not bear any legal responsibility in the event of erroneous steps being taken.
The social contract (oh, how proud they were in the European Union!), Based on trust, was broken by the omicron strain and can hardly be restored.
Well, today we can only sympathize with those who, like those three wise men, decided to travel across the sea in a thunderstorm in a thunderstorm, remembering, of course, how such adventures end.