Categories: Food

Where we are going today: Lily’s Bakery

Nada Hameed

Lily’s Bakery in Jeddah is a festive haven for anyone seeking the warmth and joy of the Christmas season, especially if you’re celebrating the holiday away from loved ones.

From the moment you step inside, you are greeted with a charming ambiance that captures the essence of the holiday season. The cozy wooden furniture adorned with gingerbread, Santa Claus and snowman figurines, snowflakes, and Christmas trees instantly transports you to a festive wonderland.

The playlist features timeless Christmas tunes like Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You,” Wham’s “Last Christmas” and more to set the perfect mood.

During my visit, I indulged in their signature wonderland hot chocolate, and it truly lived up to its name. The rich hot chocolate topped with velvety whipped cream decorated with the iconic gingerbread man was a delight.

Lily’s Bakery also offers an array of Christmas-themed cake pops that are not only a treat for the taste buds but also make for wonderful gifts or customizable additions to any themed party. The cake-pop-making kit for kids is a thoughtful touch, allowing little ones to join in on the holiday fun.

The winter season celebration package includes winter-themed cups, gingerbread, whipped cream, and a hot chocolate container, and is an all-in-one package for cozy gatherings with family or friends.

Lily’s Bakery transforms its treats to match the season. I loved the idea of summer-themed gingerbread figures in swimming shorts, bright colors, and sunglasses.

Another interesting product was the pretzel jar, which offers crunchy bites of flavorful roasted corn, coffee beans, hazelnuts, caramelized pretzels, and roasted pecans covered in three types of chocolate.

The Frontier Post

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