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Youth in Pakistan

Khawaja Wajih-u-Din

There is no universally agreed international definition of the youth age group. For statistical purposes, however, the United Nations—without prejudice to any other definitions made by Member States—defines ‘youth’ as those persons between the ages of 15 and 24 years. In 2010 the figure for those aged 24 or less was 62.19%. In Pakistan more than 64 percent of the country’s population is below the age of 30 while 29 percent is between 15 to 29 years.

Due to endemic poverty, the majority of youth in Pakistan do not have the opportunity to experience a childhood. Male youth literacy rate is estimated to be 53 per cent and female youth literacy rate is even lower at 42 per cent, while 15 per cent of the youth is unemployed. Pakistan has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world and the second largest out of school population (22.8 million children) after Nigeria. Only 68% of Pakistani children finish primary school education.

Every person on the street acts like an angry young man. Anger is a normal response to frustration. In addition to frustration., Carefree and casual attitude, lack of balance and not taking things seriously are other traits common in the society. I don’t think that there are a lot of people in the country who read books. These are the classic characteristics of a young man in Pakistan.

Despite having a lot of energy and natural abilities, Pakistan’s youth seem to have no way to channelize that energy positively. The youth is loaded with brilliance without any guidance. In view of no guidance available to them, both at home or any institution, youth of today in Pakistan is like an unguided missile.

Typically, children in Pakistan are brought up in a manner which is detrimental to positive personality development. Not many of them get to choose what they want to become in life. Instead parents resort to pressure tactics to force the child to choose a career as per the parent’s choice. Mostly Parents don’t spend quality time with their children. Everyone seems to be occupied with the mobile set.

The ability to differentiate between right and wrong is an essence to a fair and just society. Majority of the parents are unable to teach the youth the basic lessons of social justice,humanity,ethics,morality and the difference between right and wrong. Hence the trend of extremism in the society. Moral and ethical principles are the basics which are always taught at home. There are many questions which erupt in a person’s mind after being exposed to the social media. In most of the cases, the quarries remain unanswered. unanswered childhood queries stop a person’s intellectual growth.

There is apparent trust deficit. The goods and services of the Jewish lobby get promoted because we do not trust our own brands. Despite using the title for a soft drink as “Makhacola “could not find market amongst the youth or click with the people. According to the youth the reason is simple. The quality provided by the above stated lobby is never compromised. It is always hygienic, pure and non-adulterated. The youth strongly feel that the society is unjust. Rich and powerful people get away with anything. It is also felt on the streets that delay defeat equity. The youth suffer from learned helplessness. Everyone feels that he cannot change anything so why try.

We as a society suffer from scarcity mentality. The Youth are no exception. Those who are at the helm of affairs think that they are entitled to more and more facilities without actually doing what they should be doing as per law. The youth also feels that people who indulge into flattery get respect and resources. In comparison the one who is straight and honest is not rewarded for his hard work.

One young boy in one of the schools told me that we teach our poor class to be patient and give them no opportunity to excel. He further stated that nobody cares two hoots if you are poor and under privileged. He elaborated that only selective portion of the belief system is followed by everybody. The youth only does those things which are fine for them and ignore those which are not.

It seems we have a dual sense of judgment, that is double criteria. The youth has different thought process for males and females. The most difficult observation is seems to be that the youth is not proud of their country.In fact it is fact it is very alarming.

The youth feels that they are not responsible not answerable to anyone. Naturally there are expectations of the parents associated with their children but if a good job is not landed by a young man he is not prepared to start with a small one. We also lack willing workers in the youth and professionalism is missing. Similarly, the will to work hard is missing. it seems that the youth believe in cult followings. They are highly emotional and lack sense of purpose. 3 in 4 Pakistanis (75%) claim not to read any books at all; only 9% are avid readers.

According to a survey available online 3 in 4 Pakistanis (75%) claim not to read any books at all; only 9% are avid readers. Excessive use of mobiles phones and internet have resulted into a lot of Unnecessary, undesirable and useless information. In fact vulgarity has spread amongst the youth beyond expectations. Social media has caused more harm to the youth than any other segment of the society.

Lack of proper sexual education has resulted into frustration. It’s a taboo in Pakistan to talk about sex. Very rarely parents talk to the children on such a sensitive issue. Mostly on trial and error methods this education is acquired. Excessive and unguided use of social and electronic media results into mental and physical unrest. This unrest is translated into sexual crimes where even young children are not spared.

On the other hand, the lucky ones who get a chance to be educated are faced with a Redundant curriculum. It is not meant to enhance skills nor it outshines natural abilities. Due to inessential syllabus employment opportunities are very rare. Hence unemployment is all time high. Drug Use along with use of banned substances is one of the dilemmas faced by the younger generation. Other common teenage problems that youth face today are usually related to: Stress, Depression, Drinking and Smoking.

Now the question is what are the ways through Which an ordinary person can help improve young people’s life. You can start by Mentoring a young person. Everybody can chip in if he or she starts to teach at your local school or online. If you can’t do anything you can always volunteer at a local school for the time that you can afford. I have seen and observed retired people as volunteers doing the basic duties of discipline maintenance and administration etc in the developed world. If they can do it we can do it too.

It would always be preferable if you do the Vountier work in the school for the underprivileged. By doing so you are giving them a chance to compete with the privileged class. I will especially be requesting the retired officers to please dedicate some time to pay back the Society which has given them so much. Please try and spread a ray of hope. Try to promote ethics and morality.

We need to follow Merit to ensure that positive conducive environment is created in every working place. If working environment is provided Pakistans youth can flourish as they do when they go abroad. What we Should be more worried about is the despair and despondency of the youth of our beloved nation. All of us should be ready to play our part. Be It very small.

The Frontier Post

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