ATC convicts murderers of minor girls to death

F.P. Report

ABBOTTABAD: Anti-Terrorist Court (ATC) Abbottabad Friday here convicted two accused and awarded them death sentence on two counts each in kidnapping for ransom and later murder of three years old girl MarwaFaizan. Accused Tuseef and Hassan were awarded twice the death penalty and fine.

The ATC Abbottabad heard the case for four years after the assassination of the 3 years old minor Marwa Faizan on 30 December 2016. Marwa Faizan was kidnapped in Abbottabad for Rs 5 million ransom and was killed after brutal torture when parents failed in delivering the ransom payment. Marwa’s dead body was found from a shopping bag that police recovered from the floor of kidnappers’ house at Jhangi area of Mirpur Police Station. Muhammad Aslam grandfather of Marwa had registered FIR in Mirpur police station. The police traced the kidnappers when they called for ransom money and arrested two suspects Hassan and Tauseef.

The Frontier Post

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