
Ashrafi advises pilgrims to avoid political activities

LAHORE (APP): Hafiz Tahir Mahmood Ashrafi, Chairman of the Pakistan Ulema Council, has urged pilgrims traveling to Saudi Arabia for Hajj to refrain from engaging in any political activities or discussions there.

Speaking at a press conference at Lahore Press Club here on Thursday, he emphasised that Hajj was a religious duty that should be performed solely for the sake of Allah, without any political or sectarian involvement.

He reminded the pilgrims that displaying political flags, banners, or pictures, and participating in political gatherings or sectarian debates, is strictly prohibited. He said that this year, approximately 68,000 to 69,000 pilgrims will perform Hajj through the government, while 90,000 will do so privately. He informed that the Hajj operations are set to be completed by June 12.

Ashrafi assured that any complaints from the pilgrims would be addressed promptly. He condemned the recent Sargodha incident, where a blasphemy-related conflict was averted due to the combined efforts of Muslim and Christian leaders. He stressed that no one is allowed to take the law into their own hands regarding blasphemy issues. “The country’s constitution does not give anyone the right to become a judge or take the law into their own hands. The decision of someone’s guilt or innocence cannot be made by any individual,” he said.

Reflecting on the Sargodha incident, he commended the actions of the local police and religious leaders for preventing a major conflict and expressed condolences to the family of Nazir, the Christian who passed away. He urged people to follow legal procedures in case of any blasphemy incidents.