Baerbock warns of ‘miscalculation’ risk on Lebanon-Israel border

BEIRUT (AFP): German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock cautioned on Tuesday that “miscalculation” could trigger all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon, urging the need for “extreme restraint” as tensions soar.

“With every rocket across the Blue Line between Lebanon and Israel, the danger grows that a miscalculation could trigger a hot war,” Baerbock said on X during a visit to Beirut, referring to the demarcation line between Israel and Lebanon.

“All who bear responsibility must exercise extreme restraint,” she added.

Hezbollah claimed responsibility for multiple attacks on Israeli troops and positions on Tuesday, while Lebanon’s official National News Agency reported Israeli air strikes in parts of southern Lebanon.

Baerbock met Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati, who said the best way to reach “a return to calm in south Lebanon is to put an end to the Israeli aggression… and fully apply United Nations Resolution 1701,” according to a statement from his office.

The resolution ended a 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah and called for the Lebanese army and UN peacekeepers to be the only armed forces deployed in the country’s south.

Baerbock also met with her Lebanese counterpart Abdallah Bou Habib during her brief trip to Beirut, which came after visits to Israel and the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

She noted that Lebanon’s hosting of many refugees poses “major challenges,” referring to Syrians who have fled conflict in their country across the border since 2011.

“We will therefore provide another 18 million euros ($19 million) for humanitarian aid — specifically for food, accommodation and doctors,” she said in the statement.

On a previous visit in January, the German minister pledged 15 million euros to bolster the Lebanese army, which like other national institutions has faced funding problems since the country’s economy collapsed in late 2019.

Several Western diplomats have visited Lebanon in recent months, seeking to dial down cross-border tensions, including US envoy Amos Hochstein who last week called for “urgent” de-escalation.

On Tuesday, Canada urged its citizens in Lebanon to leave “while they can,” while US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned a conflict between Israel and Hezbollah could spark a regional war.

Eight months of cross-border violence has killed at least 481 people in Lebanon, mostly fighters but also including 94 civilians, according to an AFP tally.

Israeli authorities say at least 15 soldiers and 11 civilians have been killed in the country’s north.