Andrey Yashlavsky
The political strife in the US is getting more and more violent as the midterm congressional elections ap-proach. The heavyweights enter the fray. Trump is trying to make the most of his FBI search, and Biden, who is not shy in terms, accuses the Republicans of all sins.
The American president opened a rally and fundraiser in Maryland 75 days before the midterms. At the same time, Biden, in one of his most energetic speeches in recent times, not only called on Democrats to “vote to literally save democracy again,” but also compared Republican ideology to “semi-fascism.”
Addressing a crowd of t-housands at the gym in Ro-ckville High School, Biden said, “Your choice is up for a vote this year. The Social Security you’ve been paying for since you got the job is on the ballot. The ballot is about the safety of your children from gun violence, and that’s no exaggeration, the very survival of our planet is on the ballot.”
“You have to choose, ” Joe Biden told his audience. “Will we become a country that moves forward, or will we be a country that moves backward?”
The outcome of the upcoming midterm elections in November does not look a foregone conclusion to this day. Despite the fact that President Biden’s ratings are depressingly – for him – low, the Democrats clearly do not feel a priori losers. What’s more, what prevailed a few months ago, when inflation in the United States shot up sharply and Biden’s popularity polls worsened, the decadent mood among the Democrats was replaced by a readiness to fight. This was largely facilitated by the decision of the Supreme Court directed against abortion – many voters reacted extremely negatively to the prohibitions promoted by the conservatives.
Another trump card for Biden was fulfilling a long-delayed campaign promise to forgive low- and middle-income borrowers for federal student loan debt. Democrats say the move will inspire youth, as well as black and Hispanic voters. Republicans saw this gesture as a foul play to attract the electorate.
“President Biden’s inflation is crushing working families, and his response is to hand out more public money to the higher-paying elite, ” said Senate GOP le-ader Mitch McConnell. “T-he Democrats are simply using the money of working Americans to try and buy themselves some ent-husiasm from their political base.”
Joe Biden decided to earn additional advantages for his party, emphasizing that it was his presidency that became the recovery for America after the COVID-19 pandemic. “We’ve come a long way,” he said, criticizing the Republicans, who he said were blocking him at every turn. “In 2020, you and 81 million Americans voted to save our democracy,” Biden told the crowd. “That’s why Donald Trump is not just a former president. He’s a defeated former president.”
Bearing in mind that his main enemy is Trump with his “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) slogan, Biden attacked the Repub-licans sharply, calling the p-hilosophy of the Trumpists “similar to semi-fascism.”
“I respect conservative Republicans, ” Biden, however, later made a reservation. “I don’t respect those MAGA Republicans. There aren’t that many real Republicans anymore.”
From the last remark, it turns out that Biden fell under the distribution of the majority of supporters of the Republican Party, whom he wrote down as “semi-fascists.” You can’t think of a better illustration of the split in American society. The demonization of political opponents is reaching a new level in the United States.
“MAGA Republicans are not just a threat to our personal rights and economic security, ” the president frightened his listeners. “They pose a threat to our very democracy. They refuse to accept the will of the people. They accept po-litical violence. They don’t believe in democracy.”
Even in the material of the publication Politico, which is neutral in spirit, the attacks of the US President were called “unusually sharp and harsh condemnation of the Republicans.” What can we say about the reaction in the “good old party” itself, w-hose representatives descri-bed the comments of the head of the White House as “despicable”: “Biden made Americans lose their jobs, transferred money from working families to Har-vard lawyers and plunged our country into a recession when families cannot aff-ord gasoline and groceries. Democrats don’t care about suffering Americans – they never did.”
But, as the Associated Press notes, after the June Supreme Court ruling that overturned the constitutional protection of women from abortion, Democrats again felt on horseback. This is reflected in the increase in donations, and in the results of polls and the results of special elections – the other day in the Hudson Valley area, where it was believed that the victory of the Republican Par-ty, the pro-abortion Democ-rat Pat Ryan defeated the Republican Mark Molinaro.
The story of abortion can really go sideways in the elections for Republicans, some of whom insist on a national ban on this procedure.
And the President of the United States stated this bluntly: “MAGA Republicans have no idea about the power of women. Let me tell you something: they’re about to find out.”
I must say that the Democrats, led by Biden, are actively using dissatisfaction with the abortion bans introduced in a number of states. Recently, the President of the United States signed an executive order to help women travel outside their state to have an abortion. The document will ensure that health care providers comply with federal law so that women are not delayed in receiving ca-re. And in July, Biden sig-ned an executive order providing access to abortion s-ervices and contraceptives and protecting patient privacy.
Ahead of the election, Biden and members of his cabinet are set to embark on what the White House has called a “Building a Better America Tour” to promote “the benefits of the president’s accomplishments and the Inflation Reduction Act for the American people and highlight the contrast with the Republican vision in Congress.”
The ongoing decline in gasoline prices since June plays into the hands of the White House, although the cost of fuel remains high. Trying to fight off accusations of inflation unprecedented in the last forty years, Biden blames global processes, the worldwide pandemic and Putin with the conflict in Ukraine.
As CNN notes, recent developments have clearly given Biden a fighting spirit that was almost non-existent during his speeches at the White House. He even immediately – before starting his speech – took off his jacket.
For the sake of the success of his party, Biden, despite his own low ratings, even went so far as to closely communicate with a sympathetic public, hugging and posing for a selfie without a mask – and this despite the fact that only recently his wife Jill was diagnosed with coronavirus. What will you do to attract the electorate!
There are more than two months left before the congressional elections, and much can still change (and even more than once) during this time, but the De-mocrats have felt a chance to maintain control over the chambers.
And if earlier, just a few months ago, Democratic lawmakers, busy fighting for re-election, sought to avoid meetings with Biden, unpopular among Americans, now many of them see that the situation is beginning to change, and the president seems to be becoming a serious asset of election campaigns. Howe-ver, it is unlikely that he will do without his eccentricities bordering on insanity before the elections – and this will already work, rather, in a minus for the Democratic Party.