Hanafi Turkish foundations discuss humanitarian aid

KABUL (BNA): The Deputy Prime Minister for Administrative Affairs, Mawlawi Abdul Salam Hanafi, held a meeting with representatives from two prominent Turkish charitable foundations.

ARG reported in a statement that Mawlawi Abdul Salam Hanafi held discussions with Mehmet Übeyd Kosger, representative of the Hayrat Foundation, and Ali Senel, representative of the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation.

During the meeting, the representatives expressed their satisfaction with the security situation and the creation of good economic opportunities in Afghanistan. They provided information about their activities in the country to the Deputy PM.

The representatives assured continued support from Turkish citizens and the government for the people of Afghanistan.

They mentioned that aid packages have been distributed to refugees, earthquake victims, and those affected by recent floods.

Additionally, they announced plans to distribute sacrificial meat to the needy during Eid al-Adha.

Meanwhile, Deputy PM Hanafi expressed gratitude for the humanitarian assistance from the Turkish government and citizens.

He highlighted the strong religious, historical, and cultural ties between Afghanistan and Turkey, emphasizing the enduring friendly relations between the two brotherly nations.

Furthermore, the Deputy PM warmly welcomed the initiatives of the Turkish charitable foundations and assured them that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan would offer all necessary support and facilitation for their humanitarian efforts.