Roman Tyukavkin
The official delegat-ion of Lithuania ar-rived on the island of Taiwan on 7 August. Most foreign users, incl-uding residents of China, perceived the Lithuan-ians’ trip as a continuati-on of the American provocation after the recent visit of US Congress Speaker Nancy Pelosi. In their opinion, history has repeated itself, this time in the form of a farce: microscopic Lithuania teasing a giant dragon.
A resident of Taiwan wi-th the nickname “Bebe Tr-ii” posted an alarming message on social networks: “For what purpose did Lit-huania decide to visit Tai-wan? What for? Don’t they understand that their visit will only increase tension between Taiwan and China?”
User Pavel wrote: “We all used to think that the US wanted to start a war with China. In fact, they really are trying to stir up conflict, only with the wrong hands. It looks like Lithuania has agreed to take on this thankless job.”
An American with the nickname “John Wick” suggested: “When America fal-ls and loses its dominance over the world, Lithuania will learn an important but painful lesson – the state should not agree to pursue the interests of another country.”
Nigerian Samuel Chinu-elugo remarked, “America clearly wants to provoke China and see its reaction by sending allied countries as delegates to Taiwan.”
An American with the n-ickname “Multipolar Man” wrote: “Taiwan made a big mistake when they invited Pelosi to their place. After her visit, he lost his neutrality in relations with China. Now Taiwan will have to conduct additional negotiations with the PRC if it does not want to lose its already rather shaky sovereignty. The recognition of Taiwan’s independence by Lithuania will not only help the situation, but rather even worsen the current state of affairs.”
Lei Li Biner noted, “Ev-ery time Taiwan participates in the provocation of the PRC, China will tighten the screws more and more.”
Saki left a bewildered m-essage: “Lithuania has been trying by all means to provoke a negative reaction fr-om Russia over the past fe-w months. Now the Lithu-anians are provoking Chi-na. I don’t understand, are the inhabitants of Lithuania tired of existing? Why are they so desperately attacking superior opponents?