No power on earth can undo Pakistan: Army Chief

F.P. Report

ISLAMABAD: Chief of Army Staff General Syed Asim Munir has emphatically stated that no power on earth can undo Pakistan.

Addressing Independence Day Parade at Pakistan Military Academy in Kakul on the midnight between 13th and 14th August, he said nation celebrates country’s independence day with great reverence and commitment upholding the message of hope, courage and confidence.

The Army Chief said Faith, Unity and Discipline shall always remain guiding principles of our great nation.

General Syed Asim Munir said the day of 14h August urges us to understand the spirit of the message of what Pakistan means. He said this message is the basis of the two-nation theory and the destination of the Muslims of the subcontinent.

The Army Chief said Pakistan is a land of countless resources and countless blessings, and our development will be the realization of the dreams of our forefathers and people. He said Pakistan’s development will ensure a better future for our future generations

General Syed Asim Munir said Pakistan is going through difficult period and is facing multiple challenges like geographical and political conflicts, power struggle, and hegemony and war frenzy. He, however expressed the confidence, that the nation has the courage, capacity and capability to face these challenges whether they are external or internal.

The Army Chef said we will not hesitate to render any sacrifice for the sake of national sovereignty and territorial integrity. He said being a national army; Pakistan Army is committed to the welfare and wellbeing of the people, adding that cynical attempts to create a rift in the nation and the army will fail. He said the forces of Pakistan and the people are one.

General Asim Munir rejected the negative propaganda of those who spread fear and despair saying these elements are engaged in unsuccessful attempts to spread despair in the society. He said no country and nation can develop without facing such challenges.

Turning towards people of Kashmir, the Army Chief said Kashmiri brethren will surely get rid of the oppressive and occupying forces. He said freedom of Kashmir will be the result of the desire for self-determination and eternal sacrifices. He said despite all the nefarious tactics by India, no power can shake the independence of the Kashmiri people.

The Army Chief said no geographical and political necessity can stand in the way of Kashmiris’ right to freedom and self-determination. He assured the Kashmiri brothers of full support from the forces and people of Pakistan. He said Pakistan will never be coerced by any aggressive designs, and neither can the region afford such hostility amongst two nuclear powers. Unfortunately, the adversary continues to peddle its nefarious designs against us for petty political mileage.

Talking about Pakistan’s fight against terrorism, he said people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan have been facing brutal acts of terrorism for two decades, but the armed forces of Pakistan are determined to eliminate terrorism once and for all.

Talking about Pakistan-Afghanistan relations, he said Pakistan is the most hospitable nation and wish that Afghanistan reciprocate to Pakistan’s earnest efforts to the least, and not allow its soil to be used against Islamabad.

Shedding light on Pakistan’s ties with regional countries, the Army Chief expressed the resolve that Pakistan is determined to achieving its original position at the United Nations. He said we wish to deepen our relationship with our friends and partners and looking forward for a bright future.

Concluding his speech, he floated the message of hope for the people of all ages, gender, creed or cast. He said we are Pakistanis first and foremost, and we are all proud of our country and this great nation. The Army Chief said that we must stand united and rise above self to serve Pakistan in whatever ways it demands of us.