NRC calls for sustainable solutions to prevent catastrophe in Afghanistan

KABUL (Khaama Press): The Country Director for the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in Afghanistan emphasized the necessity for sustainable solutions to avert a potential catastrophe faced by the Afghan people, a statement issued.
“Two years since the change of authorities in Afghanistan, a humanitarian tragedy is unfolding. The situation is driven by a devastating mix of food insecurity and climate change, funding cuts, operational restrictions, and the absence of effective diplomatic engagement,” On the second anniversary of the Taliban takeover, Neil Turner highlighted in the statement.
He mentioned that around 15.3 million Afghans are currently experiencing food insecurity, and in 25 out of 34 provinces, there are alarming levels of acute malnutrition surpassing the emergency threshold. Moreover, despite being over halfway through the year, the humanitarian response plan, which aims to assist over 21 million people, remains underfunded at less than 25 per cent.
“The Afghan people need long-term sustainable solutions to end the humanitarian crisis. This must include efforts to promote greater economic stability, including a functioning banking sector and connection to the international financial system. Without progress on the economy, including the resumption of long-term development assistance, sustainable solutions will never be achieved,” Turner said.
The NRC called upon the authorities in Afghanistan to “uphold their obligations as duty bearers, towards all members of the population, including enabling unhindered and principled humanitarian access and education for women and girls.”
he organization appealed to the international community to “sustain humanitarian funding to stabilize the crisis and to step-up diplomatic engagement to find constructive ways forward for Afghanistan as peoples’ lives and futures depend on it.”
Meanwhile, the advent of Taliban rule in the country has brought about a series of decrees that have significantly curtailed human rights, focusing on women’s rights. These measures have been implemented amidst an ongoing and severe humanitarian crisis. The combined impact of these developments has given rise to deep concerns about the state of fundamental freedoms and well-being within the country.