
PTI defectors announce Democrats group

LAHORE (NNI): Like-minded members who left Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) have announced to form a new group called ‘Democrats’ instead of joining any other party.
A meeting of like-minded members who parted ways with PTI was held under the chairmanship of Dr Murad Raas and Hashim Dogar, who were part of the cabinet in the Punjab government of Tehreek-e-Insaf, in which the name of the group was finalised.
It was decided in the meeting that the like-minded members will not make any contact or join Jahangir Khan Tareen group for now. The members will keep their separate identity as Democrats. The identity of the members joining the group will not be revealed. The group will not be registered in Election Commission of Pakistan either. Dr Murad Raas, an important member of the Democrats group, said that they would make their identity as a separate group. He said they would not join the Muslim League-Q, People’s Party and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N). He said they were in touch with all the people.
Earlier on Saturday, amid political activities ongoing in Lahore, former Azad Jammu and Kashmir prime minister Sardar Tanveer Ilyas had a meeting with Jahangir Khan Tareen. During the meeting, the two leaders discussed the future political scenario. Faisal Hayat Jiwana and Ajmal Cheema of Tareen Group also joined the meeting.
Later, Sardar Tanveer Ilyas while talking to media, said that a good news was on the way for PTI members looking for a position of leadership in other parties.
“You will hear good news in days to come. Our understanding with Jahangir Tareen is that we will move forward together,” he said.
He said several meetings had been held in the last few days. Mr ilyas said he also had meetings with Chaudhry Shujaat and Amir Jamaat-e-Islami Sirajul Haq. Responding to a question, Ilyas said work was underway regarding the formation of a new party.
“There will be no separate group and all people will be together in one place.” On this occasion, Numan Langriyal said that the events of May 9 should be condemned vehemently.
“A lot of people have contacted us. We will welcome those who leave PTI and its ideology,” he added.
Senior politician and former leader of Tehreek-e-Insaf Jahangir Tareen has also convened an important meeting of close associates in Lahore today to hold consultations.
Inclusion of new members, besides formation of a new political party will be discussed in the meetings.
It should be noted that Jahangir Tareen had met other political leaders including Firdous Ashiq Awan in the past few days.