Returning of illegally staying foreigners continued

PESHAWAR, (APP): Returning of illegally staying foreigners from Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa continued with 1014 people being sent to Afghanistan via Peshawar, Torkham border, an official of the Home and Tribal Affairs said here Sunday.

He said another 92 people were deported from Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and 82 more illegal foreigners from Peshawar, Punjab will be deported through the Torkham border, the official of the Home Department said.

He said a total of 6452 migrants were sent to Afghanistan and a total 5249 migrants from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 125 from Islamabad, 1045 from Punjab, 34 from Azad Kashmir were sent to Afghanistan.

Likewise, a total of 260, 909 people have been deported from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to Afghanistan through Peshawar, Torkham border. He said, efforts are being made to send migrants to Afghanistan from Peshawar, other borders, Angoor Adda and Kharlachi and similarly a total of 3648 people were sent to Afghanistan through Angoor Adda border while 698 people were sent to Afghanistan from Kharlachi border.

The official of the Home and Tribals Affairs said that 2, 65, 256 people have been sent to Afghanistan from the three borders of Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and according to the latest survey by Deputy Commissioners, Peshawar, 871 illegal foreigners are still living in various districts.

According to Peshawar, government policy, no illegal foreigner can live and do business in any part of Pakistan with all relevant agencies committed to ensure safe return of illegal aliens.