Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust launches Zakat collection drive

F.P. Report

LAHORE: The Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust (SKMT) launched its Zakat collection campaign for 2023 in the second week of March. On this occasion, Dr Faisal Sultan, CEO of SKMT said that the campaign theme this year focuses on easing the burden of cancer for families already afflicted with poverty. A loved one’s cancer diagnosis brings many challenges, including the financial cost of treatment and associated expenses, such as travel and accommodation.

He explained, “In these circumstances, your support plays a major role in easing the burden of cancer. Over the last 28 years, support of generous donors like you has enabled the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust to provide quality treatment to deserving cancer patients, irrespective of their ability to pay.”

Dr Faisal Sultan also commented on the impact of charity given to SKMT last year, “In 2022, the generous support of people enabled us to provide financially supported treatment worth Rs. 11 billion to over 75 percent of our cancer patients. The proportion of Zakat collection in this was around fifty percent, which will reassure you that Zakat itself is not enough to cover the costs of direct patient care and there is no possibility of Zakat being utilised for any other purpose. Zakat is utilised on the treatment of eligible patients only based on a consistent and fair methodology.

Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust has also received a Shariah Compliance Certificate, confirming that the framework we follow for collection, utilisation, and management of Zakat funds is Shariah compliant and in line with Islamic principles. The entire amount collected in the form of Zakat is completely exhausted in providing direct patient care within the same year.”

Highlighting the urgent need of support required this year, Dr Faisal said, “For the year 2023, we require Rs. 39 billion, largely expected from your Zakat and donations, to continue the fight against cancer at our two existing state-of-the-art cancer hospitals and in order to be able to open our third hospital in Karachi by the end of this year. Please donate generously, so that, together, we can ease the burden of cancer. You can use any mode of transferring funds according to your convenience, including cash, cheque, online via credit/debit card, bank transfer, home-collection of donation by calling on 0800 11 555, sending your address on WhatsApp number 0300 0666363, and so on. Your contribution will be acknowledged with an official donation receipt.