The coup is scheduled for August 6. The shooting has already begun

Victoria Nikiforova
In the States, they have always loved to shoot, but the summer of 2021 turned out to be especially fruitful. As they say, the old-timers will not remember. Wikipedia even started a special page – so to speak, a calendar of murders. It has been updated almost every day since the beginning of this year.
Take, for example, June 19 – on this day in the United States celebrated the anniversary of the abolition of slavery. Celebrated on a grand scale: one killed and four wounded in Anchorage (Alaska), four wounded in New Arch (New Jersey), one killed and six wounded in Oakland (California), two killed and four wounded in Baton Rouge (Louisiana) … This is only as a result of shooting – killings with edged weapons and in other ways do not count.
According to official figures alone, the number of violent crimes in US cities over the past year has grown by a third. However, this does not reflect the true rampant crime. Strange as it may seem, but the deaf, impoverished hinterland, the notorious “Rusty Belt” inhabited by Trump supporters, today enjoys relative peace. Cities have become just dystopias.
In Atlanta, for example, the homicide rate has grown by one and a half times. In infamous Portland, more than six times. “If life is dear to you, do not go to blue cities,” Americans warn each other . Blue is not about sexual orientation, it means cities that are run by representatives of the US Democratic Party.
The situation has reached the point that even President Biden has paid attention to it. In a special appeal, he blamed the surge in crime – suddenly – the coronavirus pandemic. Like in the summer we always kill a lot, and then there is a way out of lockdowns, and so, they will shoot even more. At the same time, the president threatened illegal firearms dealers.
The electorate took the statement of the head of the American administration with considerable skepticism. Democratic supporters are dissatisfied with the indecision of the ruling circles. Most of them advocate the abolition of the second amendment and a total ban on the possession of firearms. The Conservatives were outraged by timid attempts to somehow encroach on their trunks.
Biden’s speech sounded especially ridiculous due to the fact that it is the Democratic Party that openly sponsors and incites crime in American cities. Blue cities and states have become the main criminal raspberries. The skyrocketing growth in crime occurs only where the mayors and governors of this party lead the process. Democrats deliberately roam crime, cut police funding and massively amnesty criminals in the holy confidence that bandits will never get to their mansions and guarded condominiums.
The political goals of the “gay” are absolutely transparent. Defamation and intimidation of local police leads to massive layoffs. “Wrong” cops can be replaced by federal security forces, at the same time depriving states of the right to create their own police.
The rampant murders will be an excellent reason to confiscate firearms from ordinary citizens. It is not clear, however, how this will be done in reality. Citizens have long understood where things are going, and are ready to declare with a blue eye that they have lost their trunks.
“Somewhere I drowned my gun when I was fishing,” – the commentator on the right Breitbart site has fun . – “We have ten thousand lakes in Michigan,” another responds. “I left mine somewhere there.”
But the most important goal of the Democratic Party is to warm up its militants and provoke Trump supporters to a forceful response.
Throughout 2020, white conservatives have been intimidated.
The pogroms under the slogan “Black lives matter” were intended to demonstrate to the Trumpists who is the boss. However, the provocation with the “capture of the Capitol” showed the Democrats that it was more profitable for them to present their political opponents as rebels, and then mercilessly press them in, raising a shout to the whole world with the help of their hand-held media.
I must say that the right-wing white groups and the moderate Trumpists who have joined them understand this threat well. They patiently endured all the bullying of black and leftist groups. Not a single shot was fired in response from them.
All their thousands-strong demonstrations and even their entry into the Capitol turned out to be purely peaceful actions.
However, recently, the media subordinate to the Democratic Party threw in a fresh fake. They figured as if ex-President Donald Trump was going to seize power in the country in August.
The reason was Trump ‘s new slogan : “2024 or earlier!” The former president does not mean a coup, of course. Proceedings over the stolen votes in the presidential election are still ongoing. Many Americans – including Trump – hope that by proving electoral fraud in Arizona and Pennsylvania, they can win in the courts of other states. And then there will be a chance that the Supreme Court will overturn the results of the 2020 elections.
That, in fact, is all. Trump’s appearance to the people is indeed scheduled for August.
However, it boils down to his speech at the GOP Convention. It is possible that he will announce his decision to participate in the 2024 presidential race. I’ll be back, as Schwarzenegger the Terminator said.
The Democratic media portrays this commonplace fact of American political life with such horror, as if Trump, at the head of his loyal troops, would break into the White House and chase Biden and Harris with stars and stripes on August 6.
“Trump is planning a putsch or is completely distraught,” the glossy magazine Vanity Fair tells readers . “We will have everything like in Myanmar”: Trumpist fanatics believe that the president will be returned to the White House by a military coup “- instigates Rolling Stone magazine . CNN says and shows about the” Myanmar-style coup ” .
“The Trump Conspiracy Shows How the Apocalyptic Spiral of Right-wing Madness Works” – this is MSNBC.
Indeed, it is somehow even awkward to quote all this. I just can’t believe that ten years ago these were quite decent, sane publications. Vanity Fair wrote about the novels of Hollywood stars, Rolling Stone published excellent reviews of music and film, CNN was the beacon of intellectual TV journalism.
Now they are all literally hysterical – their owners from the Democratic Party understand too well that it will be incredibly difficult for them to defeat Trump again. The provocative nature of this hype is evident from the fact that the Washington Post directly compares August 6 to January 6.
The main audience for this purely Goebbels nonsense is the antifa and BLM fighters. It is for them that these myths are composed, it is for them that indulgences to violence are given in advance. On August 6 – Americans love such historical rhymes – another large-scale provocation of the Democratic Party is scheduled. Their military units will provoke Trump’s supporters in every possible way, their sent Cossacks will portray themselves as something like putschists, and the subordinate media will broadcast the correct picture to the world. As a result, the ruling regime will be able to continue its repression against the supporters of the former president.
All this is very American. Democracy is the rule of the democrats. What do you want?