UK’s biased minister

The UK’s former home secretary Ms Suella Braveman has been exposed to the world for her biases and abuse of authority in connection with the ongoing war in Gaza, the million marches and protest demonstrations in support of bereaved Palestinians and in condemnation of rouge Israeli regime that has made records of apartheid policies and inhumane atrocities against innocent unarmed Palestinians.

London has witnessed massive weekend demonstrations over the past month, with tens of thousands of people taking to the streets to denounce Israel’s relentless bombing campaign in the Gaza Strip and demand the United Kingdom government call for a ceasefire. Ms Suella Braveman, a Buddhist turned Jew who had been serving as the home Secretary in the Rushi Sunak’s administration was much upset with pro-Palestinian rallies and had been terming protesters as hate marchers and terrorists supporters.

The biased leader was also uneasy with anti-Israel slogans, stickers and banners condemning Israel’s aggression against innocent Palestinians. Interestingly, the wife of a hardcore jew issued orders to the London Metropolitan Police enforcing a ban on pro-Palestinian march sorting intelligence regarding potential violence during the rally over the past weekend. Despite pressure from the government, the Metropolitan Police said that the law enforcers could not legally ban the march, as there was no credible intelligence about a risk of public disorder.

Unfortunately, the low-calibre leader could not curb her prejudice and went public through the media labelling the UK’s government as well as the Metropolitan Police for double standards in handling the pro-Palestinian march. As a result, British Premier Rishi Sunak sacked his interior minister Suella Braverman over her unethical conduct, biased attitude and abuse of authority.

Historically, people from different regions, conflicting ideologies and backward communities have now made up a mix of British society that is deprived of royal mannerisms, high social values and democratic norms. Earlier, an Anglo-Indian lady introduced substandard culture and biased policies in British society, now another partisan woman made a mockery of Britain’s morals and royal constitution. Historically, the Palestine dispute was created by the British government nearly a century ago and the time has come for the UK’s authorities to address the grave mistake of their predecessors by playing a kinetic role in the resolution of the Palestinian issue so that millions of poor Palestinians could live a free and dignified life in their nation.