Australian senator blames immigrants for mosque attacks

SYDNEY (AA): Australian Senator Fraser Anning blamed New Zealand’s immigration policy for Friday’s terror attacks on two mosques that have left 49 people dead and dozens injured.

Calling the attack a “violent vigilantism” rather than a terrorist incident, Anning’s statement read that the attack “highlights the growing fear within our community, both in Australia and New Zealand, of the increasing Muslim presence”.

Ruling out right-wing terrorism, gun laws or rising racism as “cliched nonsense”, the independent senator added: “The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place.”

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison lost no time to condemn his “disgusting” remarks.

“The remarks by Senator Fraser Anning blaming the murderous attacks by a violent, right-wing, extremist terrorist in New Zealand on immigration are disgusting,” said Morrison on Twitter and added: “Those views have no place in Australia, let alone the Australian Parliament.”

One suspect of the deadly twin shootings is an Australian citizen, Morrison said earlier.