Conversion to Islam not forced, says rescued Italian

Monitoring Desk

ROME: Rescued Italian aid worker Silvia Constanza Romano, who has embraced Islam, says she converted on her own will and not by force.

Romano, 25, was abducted from Kenya’s southeastern coastal town of Chakama in November 2018. She was rescued on Sunday through joint efforts by Turkish, Somali and Italian intelligence services.

“They assured me that I would not be killed, and so it was,” Romano told Italian news agency ANSA.

On her conversion to Islam, Silvia said it happened mid-captivity.

“It was spontaneous and not forced. In these months I was given a Koran and thanks to my captors I also learned some Arabic,” she said. “They explained their reasons and culture to me. My conversion process has been slow in recent months. There was no marriage or relationship, only respect.” Italy’s deputy foreign minister acknowledged Turkish cooperation during the rescue operation. “There had been coo-peration with the Turkish intelligence service to loc-ate her and take action at t-he right time,” Marina told LA7 TV channel. (AA)