Dubai Expo-2020 to be held by October 1st

ISLAMABAD (APP): Preparations continue in full swing for the Dubai Expo 2020, scheduled to start on October 1st in Dubai, with estimated participation of companies from around 191 countries.
In an online media briefing the organizers informed the media that 1083 acres of land and venues have already been acquired for holding the exhibition that would continue for 182 days.
Briefing the media, Vice president, Dubai Expo, Kate Randall, Director Business, Khalid Khan Sharaaf, Chief of Staff Nadia verjee, Head of Media Operation Emily Grouz, and others said that the UAE government had made special security arrangements for the purpose this year.
The said that the exhibition was scheduled to be held in October 2020, however due to outbreak of Covid-19 it was postponed and was being organized now in October this year.
This year, special arrangements have been made keeping in view the Coronavirus pandemic, adding that the staff, visitors and participants would be administered free vaccines.
During the expo, social distancing and other Covid-19 SoPs would be adhered to whereas in case of emergency medical facilities would also be provided.
As per the plan, tickets for the Expo 2020 will on online sale from July 18, however admission into the expo would be free for children and people over age of 60.
The countries participating in the exhibition would hold their own cultural shows and daily parade of their respective countries.
Meanwhile, Director Expo Business Khalid Sharaf said that participation of companies from 191 countries was unprecedented and it would help promote business, trade and culture. He said that the countries participating in the major business event would get an opportunity to have access to untapped markets including African countries. He said that special programmes have been arranged under the patronage of 13 business forums to promote trade and investment during the 182-day expo.
Besides, the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Chambers of Commerce will also participate in the expo.
Chief of Staff, Nadia Verjee said that all the countries would set up their pavilions in exhibition while Vice President Muhammad Alansari informed that the exhibition would equally benefit the policymakers and common person.
Meanwhile, Pakistani pavilion would be set up at Dubai Expo 2020 to promote economic, trade, business and investment opportunities as well as the cultural landscape of Pakistan.
The Expo management informed that media person would be provided online briefing on daily basis.