Educational Center assisting Afghan girls in obtaining scholarships

KABUL (Agenices): An educational centre provides English language instruction to university-deprived girls and prepares them for scholarships.

The “Girls’ Knowledge Educational Institution” has taken action in response to the ban on girls’ education in Afghanistan and has thus far facilitated educational opportunities abroad for dozens of girls.

This educational centre is operational in Kabul, Bamyan, and Ghazni provinces, with over 500 students engaged in learning. Sediqa Mortazavi, the founder of the “Girls’ Knowledge Educational Institution,” told Khaama Press News Agency, “After universities closed their doors to girls, we decided to create a glimmer of hope for them. We contacted our colleagues in America and other countries to secure scholarships for girls from foreign countries.”

While girls in Afghanistan are barred from schools and universities, this centre exclusively provides English language instruction to girls who have been deprived of university education to prepare them for higher education abroad. Girls studying at this educational centre say that obtaining foreign scholarships is the only way for them to continue their education.

Rahela Husseini, one of the university-deprived girls pursuing foreign scholarships, mentions that this centre has provided them with an opportunity to learn English. She adds, “After universities closed, we cannot just sit idly at home. We must find a way to continue our education or create one.”

Sediqa Mortazavi, the founder of this educational institution, emphasizes that the establishment of this centre has been well-received by girls, and foreign organizations have appreciated their efforts. According to Ms Mortazavi, they have sent dozens of students to countries such as the United States, Italy, Bangladesh, and Iran after passing English language exams.

It has been approximately two years since girls were banned from attending schools and universities, but the Taliban administration has not taken any steps to reopen educational institutions.