Fair minded versus criminal minded

Imran Akbar Rind Advocate

There, at a public platform, the most powerful man of the state, Hazrat Umar bin Khitab (RA) stands in front of the public, and as he is about to deliver his speech, an ordinary man stands up and refuses to listen to him. The reason for his refusal is his concern that the Caliph may have had received a greater share in the division of goods. After all, the Caliph was taller than him, and they both were given pieces of cloth of the same length. The Caliph’s fabric should not have covered his body as it fitted to the height of the asker.
What does the Caliph do? He presents his son as his witness, who testified that he had given his piece of cloth to this father.
Fast forward to 2021, a person, who happens to be an esteemed lawyer, raises similar concerns about a politician. What does our politician do?
He asks the Bar to disbar him, launches a stinking campaign against him on social media and stages fake demonstrations tarnishing his reputation. The political sardar has definitely been terrified by enlightened lawyer Shahid Soomro who could through his sincere efforts enlighten minds of generations.
Yet we ask, what has gone wrong with the Ummah?
Shahid Soomro, who had served as a judge, is an upstanding citizen and a brilliant lawyer. Being an ardent supporter of human rights, he executed his moral obligation of raising his voice against the enslavement of free men and women under the pretext of the tribal system. The tribal system – a system that was historically designed to protect human values and flourishment of ideas – is now hijacked by some sanctimonious lords who fancy themselves as gods of people. They use this system to limit human potential.
It is a natural expectation that those blessed with freedom and education raise voices for those deprived of them. What is not natural is that those who hold public offices or represent the public launch wanton campaigns when challenged.
With that said, it is time for the rest of the nation to decide. Are we going to stand with the one fighting for health and basic human needs, or will we support those who are depriving us of them? It can be easily revealed whether Mr Soomro is right or wrong by taking into consideration performance of education, health units, infrastructure police and local administration in the area governed by Sardar Zulfqar Kamario and his family for decades.
Before you choose your answer, remember one fact; evil doesn’t win against good because it is stronger than good. It succeeds because the good people choose not to resist it!