Farmers advised to complete sugarcane cultivation

F.P. Report

FAISALABAD: The agriculture experts have advised the farmers to start the cultivation of sugarcane  crops and complete it by March 15 to get bumper yield.

A spokesman for the agriculture extension department  said here Saturday that farmers should cultivate approved  varieties of sugarcane over maximum space because its  production not only plays a pivotal role in meeting sugar  requirements but it also helps the growers in mitigating  their financial issues.

Among the approved varieties of sugarcane include CP-77-400, CP-72-2086, CP-43-33, CPF-243, HSF-240, SPSG-26, SPF-213, SPF-245  and COJ-84, he said and added that more information could be  obtained from agriculture helpline 0800-15000 and 0800-29000.