Inflated gas, electricity bills leave Sheikh Rasheed flabbergasted

F.P. Report

RAWALPINDI: Seasoned politician and Awami Muslim League chief Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad, who received a shock when he received inflated electricity and gas bills, has urged the government to come to its senses.

Rasheed, who has also served as a federal minister under different governments, has said it is beyond his comprehension why a gas bill of Rs100,000 was sent to him when food is cooked in his home only once a day. “Contrary to that, the bills that my neighbours received did not exceed Rs8,000,” he has said, adding, “Similarly, the electricity bill I received is Rs168,000.”

The former minister has asked the government to realize the gravity of the situation. “A silent revolution is brewing, which will drop a bombshell on the government,” he has predicted.

The truth of the matter is, he has gone on to say, that skyrocketing prices of items of daily use have destroyed an ordinary man.