My experience of education or a child’s experience of education

Muhammad Zeb Khan

In my view, education is not only the name of gathering information as robots can do such things better than men rather it is both collecting and using them to prepare humans to think intellectually and bring creative ideas, practical solutions as well as applications of them to real world problems, which can be a breakthrough to help the humanity in the world of Science, Spirituality, Philosophy, Psychology, Art, and Law.

Now, talking about the education system of Pakistan specifically, it is not up to the mark as since 1947 till now. Intellectual and think tanks are leaving the country because they do not get what they deserving. But hopefully, the future seems to be changing greatly with positive indications as at individual level now critical thinking is promoting via different platforms: YouTube and Facebook are the two main sources in this regard.

Again, in my opinion, in order to see a sea change in the education system of Pakistan the government should give importance to it, as the total budget for the year of 2021 was Rs,7136 billion, but only Rs.83.3 billions were allocated to educational sector, which is only 7.9% to GDP.

The state has to take serious measures in this regard at primary, secondary, intermediate, undergraduate and graduate levels and should promote research culture, critical thinking and creativity.

During my secondary school education at village there was no science laboratory. Except from the operation of frog there was nothing to increase thirst for practical science among the students.

Then, in secondary level, there were negligible amount of good teacher who can tell promote thoughts and inspire them to love knowledge, wisdom and do creative and new. After that at university level, the same old story of getting high CGPA. Almost in every class the teachers were supposed to ask about your percentage in order to measure the strength of gathering information.

Similarly, every friend of mine was finding the process of learning dull and boring because of no empirical work. Can it be made interesting? Yes, it can be, because now the world is global village and sophisticated professors are now just one click away and with the help of animation every can be understood. In this regard, the government should launched awareness programs to for increasing their love for knowledge.

Keeping the education system of Pakistan in mind the present status is far better than the past. Pakistan can see much see people like Einstein, Richard Feynman and James Chadwick. This can be possible to promote critical thinking, creativity and craze for wisdom both at secondary level and graduate level. Let us prepared our young generation for the challenges of future in the form of Science d Technology.