OIC failed response to Stockholm incident

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has emphasised the crucial need for collective measures to prevent the desecration of the Holy Quran. The 57 member Muslim bloc issued a statement on behalf of 1.5 billion Muslims across the globe after an extraordinary meeting in Jeddah Saudi Arabia to discuss the regretful incident occurred on Wednesday. According to the Secretary General OIC, the bloc must send constant reminders to the international community regarding the urgent application of international law, which clearly prohibits any advocacy of religious hatred. Meanwhile, the OIC was considering to convene an extraordinary meeting of it’s Council of Foreign Minister (OIC CFM) to address this issue, most probably the session will conincide with the Ministerial Meeting of the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement in Baku, Azerbai­jan in the coming days.

The second largest Intergovernmental Organization and 57 member bloc of the Muslim countries issued a condemnation statement on fifth day of the descration of the holy Quran outside a Mosque in Stockholm, Sweden that attracted a worldwide outrage from the Muslims across the globe while multiple nations including Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, the United States even the 27 member European bloc criticised the burning of a copy of the Holy Quran and termed it disrespectful and provocative that hurt the religious beliefs of over 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. The United Nations categorically condemned that henious act and the head of the UN Alliance for Civilizations (UNAOC) termed the desecration of the Holy books, places of warships and religious symbols unacceptable and violent.

Historically, the politicians around the world particularly far-right leaders in Europe and India incite hate, create division and play with public sentiments to boost their politics and get public approval in election. Therefore, anti-Muslim, and anti-immigrants sloganeering is common in Europe and America, while the introduction of discriminatory legislation, baning of scarfs, criticism of Islamic dress code, curb on immigration from Muslim countries as well as employment segregation is common in western nations. Presently, far right Swedish Prime Minister expressed dismay over protesters attack on Swedish Embassy in Bughdad, however he views the desecration of the Holy Quran as legal but inappropriate. In fact, bias and bigotry has no limit, because there had been countless cases of desecration of Holy Quran and Islamic verses in certain European nations including Sweden, Norway, France and others but not a single event of burning Bible, Bhagavad Gita, Torah or Atharvaveda had ever been happened in Europe, America, India or rest of the world. Therefore, such disgraceful acts should not be viewed as a mere freedom of expression, hatespeech, or act of extremism but those acts are deep rooted in History and Western ultra-nationalists are taking revenge of Muslims’ conquests in Europe, Africa and Balkan regions during the Medvival period from the current day Muslim generation through vague incursions, direct attacks as well as through cultural, knowledge and missionary agressions against innocent Muslims, who are currently embattled with internal disunity, economic challenges and technological setback.

Currently, Muslim Ummah is divided into sectarian, political and regional blocs, while powerful Monariches in the Middle East are currently embracing liberalization and more loyal to their political and economic interests than spiritual and religious philosophy. Awfully, It took several days to the OIC to condemn this henious act and demonstrate a collective response of the Muslim Ummah because of Eid Holidays as the majority of the Envoys of member countries were not available for the meeting. Apparently, the representative organization of 57 Muslim nations could not sufficiently protect core political interests of Muslim Ummah. It also completely failed to connect it’s member countries in economic and trade bonds, free visa regime, travel and tourism, along with ensuring a collective security and joint defense of the Muslim nations in the world.

It is high time that the OIC mobilize it’s resources and offer a concrete and coordinated response to Swedish government that is still defending this grave crime in the garb of freedom of expression and human rights. The OIC must demand stern action against the perpetrators of this heinous crime otherwise the forum and all member states should severe all kinds of relations with Stockholm along with closure of Swedish Embassies in their capitals and vice versa. So, the world nations understand the seriousness of this issue and avoid occurrence of such incidents in their country. After that, no selfish leader will ever dare to stage such political stunt in the future.