Pakistan must not initiate dialogue with India until reversal of August 5’s actions: Lord Nazir

Muhammad Asad

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Must not initiate dialogues with India until it reverses all actions of August 5, 2019. India must restore the article 370 and 35A of Constitution of India resulting in reinstatement of Special Status of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) before resorting to talks with Pakistan.

It was shared by former member UK House of Lord and prominent Kashmir Leader Lord Nazir Ahmed in an interaction session with media in Islamabad on Friday. He said that recent mediation by the UAE had resulted in normalization of the situation between the two countries and it is quite apparent by Narendra Modi’s recent greeting letter addressed to Prime Minister Imran Khan on the eve of Pakistan Day Celebration.

Lord Nazir Ahmed observed that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a fascist man and responsible for killing of thousands of innocents Muslims of India. He further said that Indian government has conferred citizenship of IIOJK to more than one and half million Indian Hindus during recent months.

Lord Nazir Ahmed noted that Pakistan must press India to restore the special status of IIOJK before initiation of dialogues, otherwise it will be a treason with the people of Kashmir. RSS and BJP’s Hindutva policy of Modi government has led to an unrest within Indian society and weaken the economy of India.

According to Lord Nazir Ahmed today, due to recession in Indian economy, foreign investor companies are pulling back to invest into the Indian economy. He observed that India had isolated itself within its neighborhood. It has conflict with Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangla Dash, Pakistan, and China. Lord Nazir Ahmed paid rich tribute to Pakistan Air Force for its successful Operation Swift Retort on 27 February 2019.

While speaking on Pakistan’s political landscape, Lord Nazir Ahmed said that Prime Minister Imran Khan and former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif must bring some soft tone in their egoistic approach in the larger interest of the country. He also offered his services for constituting harmony and understanding between the warring PTI government and Opposition. Lord Nazir noted that there is no ongoing debate on county’s problems such as growing population, education reforms, science, and technological advancement etc. at government level, academia, or scholarly circles of the Pakistan.

While responding a query he said that the recent discussions on human rights situation in IIJOK in European and UK Parliaments is a great success however it will take some time to transformed into practical measures against Indian government. He said that after recent discussions there is quite some change in economic and diplomatic relations of EU and UK with India. He also observed that UK government supports the CPEC due to its economic and trade importance in the region.